Я бы хотел присоединиться к объяснению, как это. На самом деле необходимость извлечения типа данных столбца и столбца хранится в другой таблице с именем «wyspesific».
st.segnam as Segment,
st.typnam as 'Sub-Segment',
group_concat(distinct ws.fldnam) as 'Field Tag Name (database)',
group_concat(distinct ws.fldcap) as 'Field Name Label',
concat('(', group_concat(distinct of.optcap order by of.optcap desc ),')' ) as optionFieldLabel,
concat('(', group_concat(distinct of.optval order by of.optcap desc ),')' ) as optionFieldValue,
ws.isopt as isOptionField
from shiptype st
left join wyspecific ws on ws.wytypid = st.wytypid and ws.enabled = 'Y'
left join optionfields of on of.fldnam = ws.fldnam and of.deleted = 'N'
left join ( explain shipspecific ) as v on ws.fldnam = v.Field
where st.segid in(6,4,8,9,10,11,12 ) and ws.enabled = 'Y'
group by ws.fldid
order by st.segid
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