Вы можете использовать Set(Type type)
в DbContext, если имя таблицы соответствует типу.
public IEnumerable<IdNamePairBase> GetNamedDbSet(string dbSetName)
var property = Type.GetType(dbSetName);
if (property == null || !property.CanRead)
throw new ArgumentException("DbSet named " + dbSetName + " does not exist." );
// at this point you might want to check that the property is an enumerable type
// and that the generic definition is convertible to IdNamePairBase by
// inspecting the property type. If you're sure that these hold, you could
// omit the check.
return Set(type).Cast<IdNamePairBase>();
Исходный ответ
Если имяиз набора соответствует имени свойства, вы можете использовать отражение.
public IEnumerable<IdNamePairBase> GetNamedDbSet( string dbSetName )
var property = this.GetType().GetProperty( dbSetName );
if (property == null || !property.CanRead)
throw new ArgumentException("DbSet named " + dbSetName + " does not exist." );
// at this point you might want to check that the property is an enumerable type
// and that the generic definition is convertible to IdNamePairBase by
// inspecting the property type. If you're sure that these hold, you could
// omit the check.
var result = new List<IdNamePairBase>();
foreach (var item in (IEnumerable)property.GetValue( this, null))
result.Add( (IdNamePairBase)item );
return result;