Как мне получить только текст из твиттера statuses/user_timeline
и сопоставить его с регулярным выражением php, которое возвращает true
или false
например я получаю с этим
Array (
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[url] => http://www.mediawebsiteplus.com
[name] => Media Website Plus
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[description] => Media Website Plus adalah jasa pembuatan web, jasa pembuatan website, blog, web sekolah, toko online, dan aneka software murah dan berkualitas tinggi.
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[profile_image_url_https] => https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1426659184/mwp_logo_normal.png
[location] => indonesia
[id_str] => 91808775270432768
[in_reply_to_status_id] =>
[text] => Govt Will Not Increase Subsidized Fuel Prices: “In the remaining time of the year there may be an option to rais... http://bit.ly/qJqn9H
[created_at] => Fri Jul 15 09:58:12 +0000 2011
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[in_reply_to_user_id] =>
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