У меня недостаточно очков, чтобы добавить комментарий, но я внес несколько уточнений в ответ пользователя (и отправил черновик обновления).
Вот улучшенный скрипт с документацией и возможностью указать таблицу пользователей не по умолчанию для тех, кто выполняет слияние Drupal с 6 по 7. Он также включает проверку jpb.
* Use this script to update Drupal 6 users password hashes to Drupal 7 specs.
* Ensure you BACKUP YOUR USERS TABLE before using this script! If not your whole site!
* Name this file update_users.php and place in your Drupal root, same place as update.php
* - If you've manually inserted a new table into your database, change the $databasename below.
* - If this does not run, ensure you are logged into your site as admin.
* - If this does not run, check your drupal watchdog and/or PHP logs
* - If you see this error "PDOException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'pass' at row 1:"
* you need to update your table's structure so that pass is a varchar(128).
echo "Starting. \r\n";
// Change this if you've made a custom table
$databasename = "users";
// Update this many users
$count = 1000;
// bootstrap stuff
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/bootstrap.inc';
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('password_inc', 'includes/password.inc');
// Lower than DRUPAL_HASH_COUNT to make the update run at a reasonable speed.
$hash_count_log2 = 11;
// Hash again all current hashed passwords.
$has_rows = FALSE;
$result = db_query_range("SELECT uid, pass FROM {" . $databasename . "} WHERE uid > 10 ORDER BY uid", 0, $count);
foreach ($result as $account) {
$has_rows = TRUE;
if (substr($account->pass, 0, 1) != 'U') {
echo "updating account: " . $account->uid . " \r\n";
$new_hash = user_hash_password($account->pass, $hash_count_log2);
if ($new_hash) {
// Indicate an updated password.
$new_hash = 'U' . $new_hash;
->fields(array('pass' => $new_hash))
->condition('uid', $account->uid)
echo "Done.";