Пример создания класса с использованием класса объекта:
class ZipExtractor(object): # Create class that can only extract zip files
def __init__(self, path): # Initial part
import zipfile # Import old zipfile
self.Path = path # To make path available to all class
try: open(self.Path, 'rb') # To check whether file exists
except IOError: print('File doesn\'t exist') # Catch error and print it
else: # If file can be opened
with open(self.Path, 'rb') as temp:
self.Header = temp.read(4) # Read first 4 bytes
if self.Header != '\x50\x4B\x03\x04':
print('Your file is not a zip archive!')
else: self.ZipObject = zipfile.ZipFile(self.Path, 'r')
def __enter__(self): # On entering...
return(self) # Return object created in __init__ part
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # On exiting...
self.close() # Use close method of our class
def SuperExtract(member=None, path=None):
'''Used to extract files from zip archive. If arg 'member'
was not set, extract all files. If path was set, extract file(s)
to selected folder.'''
print('Extracting ZIP archive %s' % self.Path) # Print path of zip
print('Archive has header %s' % self.Header) # Print header of zip
if filename=None:
self.ZipObject.extractall(path) # Extract all if member was not set
self.ZipObject.extract(mamber, path) # Else extract selected file
def close(self): # To close our file
with ZipExtractor('/path/to/zip') as zfile:
zfile.SuperExtract('file') # Extract file to current dir
zfile.SuperExtract(None, path='/your/folder') # Extract all to selected dir
# another way
zfile = ZipExtractor('/path/to/zip')
zfile.close() # Don't forget that line to clear memory
Если вы запустите «help (ZipExtractor)», вы увидите пять методов:*
__init__, __enter__, __exit__, close, SuperExtract
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