Я получил небольшую партию, предшествующую программе diff:
@echo off
set f1=%1
set f2=%2
::Temporary dir created by hg to copy the snapshot file
set tdir=%~dp1
::Original repository dir
set repo=%~dp2
::Filename extension
set ext=%~x1
::The binary files comes in pairs: scx/sct \ vcx/vct ...
set ex2=%ext:~0,-1%t
::Check if "dumpable" extension
echo %ext% | grep -iE "(vcx|vct|scx|sct|pjx|pjt|frx|frt)" > nul && goto DumpFile
goto diff
set f1="%tdir%\_Dump1.prg"
set f2="%tdir%\_Dump2.prg"
::Get the pair file from the repository
hg cat %repo%\%~n1%ex2% -o "%~dpn1%ex2%" -R %repo%
::Do the dump, then the diff
MyDumpProgram.exe %1 %f1%
MyDumpProgram.exe %2 %f2%
goto diff
ExamDiff.exe %f1% %f2%
, а затем сконфигурировал партию в% UserProfile% \. Hgrc
cmd.ediff = d:\Utiles\diff2.bat