Для lme
моя личная версия ниже; Вы можете скачать его с другими подобными дополнениями, например, извлечь \Sexpr{}
строку для p-значений таблиц lme / lm / glm как Dmisc из
http://www.menne -biomed.de / загрузить
Это очень персонализировано, но если мне нравится округление до действительно значащих цифр. Извините, пакет nlme делает все, что мне нужно (и больше, чем lme / gaussian), поэтому пока нет версии lme4.
"latex.summary.lme" <-
function(object, title="",parameter=NULL, file="",
interceptp = FALSE, moredec=0, where="!htbp", ...) {
# This function can be mis-used for gls models when an explicit
# form is given
dd <- object$dims
method <- object$method
fixF <- object$call$fixed
xtTab <- as.data.frame(object$tTable)
sigp <- xtTab[,"p-value"]< shadep # cells that will be shaded
if (!interceptp){
sigp[1] <- FALSE # intercept will never be shaded
# Replace small significances, discarding p-value for (Intercept)
xtTab[1,"p-value"] = 1 # we do not show it anyway, easier formatting
pval <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, "p-value"],4))
pval[as.double(pval) < 0.0001] <- "$< .0001$"
xtTab[, "p-value"] <- pval
xtTab[,"t-value"] <- round(xtTab[,"t-value"],1)
if (ncol(xtTab) == 5) # not for gls
xtTab[,"DF"] <- as.integer(xtTab[,"DF"])
# extract formula
if (is.null(form)) {
if (!is.null(object$terms)) {
} else {
form = formula(object)
if (is.null(parameter)) {
if (any(wchLv <- (as.double(levels(xtTab[, "p-value"])) == 0))) {
levels(xtTab[, "p-value"])[wchLv] <- "<.0001"
if (is.null(label))
label <- lmeLabel("contr",form)
form <- deparse(removeFormFunc(as.formula(form)),width.cutoff=500)
form <- paste(sub('~','$\\\\sim$ ',form),sep="")
# All I( in factors are replaced with (This could be improved)
row.names(xtTab) <-
row.names(xtTab) <- gsub("\\^2","\\texttwosuperior",row.names(xtTab))
# Determine base level
levs <- lapply(object$contrasts,function(object) {dimnames(object)[[1]][1]})
levnames <- paste(names(levs),levs,sep=" = ",collapse=", ")
# Try to locate numeric covariables
# v1 <- all.vars(formula(object))[-1]
## Changed 8.10.2008, not regression-tested
v1 <- all.vars(form)[-1]
numnames <- v1[is.na(match(v1,names(levs)))]
if (length(numnames > 0)) {
numnames <- paste(numnames," = 0",collapse=", ")
levnames <- paste(levnames,numnames,sep=", ")
if (is.null(caption)){ # TODO: Allow %s substitution
if (inherits(object,"lme"))
md = "Mixed model (lme)" else
if (inherits(object,"gls"))
md = "Extended linear model (gls)" else
md = "Linear model"
caption <- paste(md," contrast table for \\emph{",
parameter, "} (model ",form,
"). The value in row (Intercept) gives the reference value for ",
caption.lot <- paste("Contrast table for ",parameter, " by ",
ndec <- pmax(round(1-log10(xtTab[,2]+0.000001)+moredec),0)
xtTab[,1] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,1],ndec))
xtTab[,2] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,2],ndec))
if (ncol(xtTab) == 5) {
names(xtTab) <- c("Value","StdErr","DF","t","p")
pcol = 5
} else {# gls misuse
names(xtTab) <- c("Value","StdErr","t","p")
pcol = 4
# Only show intercept p/t when explicitely required
if (!interceptp){
xtTab[1,pcol-1] <- NA
xtTab[1,pcol] <- ''
cellTex <- matrix(rep("", NROW(xtTab) * NCOL(xtTab)), nrow=NROW(xtTab))
cellTex[sigp,pcol] <- "cellcolor[gray]{0.9}"
rowlabel <- ifelse(nchar(parameter) >9,"",parameter)
latex(xtTab, title=title, file=file, caption=caption,caption.lot=caption.lot,
caption.loc="bottom", label=label, cellTexCmds = cellTex,
rowlabel=rowlabel, ctable=ctable, where=where,
booktabs = !ctable, numeric.dollar=FALSE,col.just=rep("r",5),...)
"latex.lme" <-
function(object, title="",parameter=NULL,file="",shadep=0.05,
interceptp=FALSE, moredec= 0, where="!htbp",...) {
file=file, shadep=shadep, caption=caption,
label=label, ctable=ctable, form=form, moredec=moredec, where=where,...)