FILE *fp;
pthread_mutex_t demoMutex;
unsigned short globalThreadIndex = 0;
struct serverInfo
unsigned int serverId;
pthread_t threadId;
std :: vector <pthread_t> queue;
std :: vector <serverInfo> serverInfoVector;
void * printHello (void* threadId)
pthread_t *my_tid = (pthread_t *)&threadId;
printf ("\nIn `printHello ()`: thread id %ld\n", pthread_self ());
***pthread_mutex_lock (&demoMutex);***
unsigned int i = 0;
char found = false;
if (serverInfoVector.size () > 0)
// The following code should be executed when and only when the vector isn't empty.
***pthread_cond_wait (&demoConditionVar, &demoMutex);***
while ((i <= serverInfoVector.size ()) && (found == false))
if (*my_tid == serverInfoVector [i].threadId)
found = true;
if (found == true)
pthread_t writeToFile = pthread_self ();
unsigned short iterate;
for (iterate = 0; iterate < 10000; iterate++)
fprintf (fp, " %d %d", iterate, 4);
fprintf (fp, " %lu %lu", writeToFile, sizeof (pthread_t));
if (!serverInfoVector [i].queue.empty ())
fprintf (fp, " %c %u", 'A', 1);
fprintf (fp, " %lu %lu", serverInfoVector [i].queue.front (), sizeof (pthread_t));
serverInfoVector [i].queue.pop_back ();
fprintf (fp, "\n %lu %u", writeToFile, 1);
***pthread_mutex_unlock (&demoMutex);***
***pthread_exit (NULL);***
void checkServerExists (unsigned int serverNumber, std :: string message)
unsigned int i = 0;
char found = false;
if (serverInfoVector.size () > 0)
while ((i <= serverInfoVector.size ()) && (found == false))
if (serverNumber == serverInfoVector [i].threadId)
found = true;
if (found == false)
pthread_t newThread [2];
int returnValue;
if ((returnValue = pthread_create (&newThread [globalThreadIndex], NULL, printHello, (void*) &newThread [globalThreadIndex])) != 0)
printf ("\nerror: pthread_create failed with error number %d", returnValue);
printf ("\nIn checkServerExists ()`: thread id %ld\n", newThread [globalThreadIndex]);
serverInfo obj;
obj.serverId = serverNumber;
obj.threadId = newThread [globalThreadIndex];
obj.queue.push_back (newThread [globalThreadIndex]);
serverInfoVector.push_back (obj);
// Now, since something has been pushed in the vector, it makes sense to wake up the sleeping thread.
***pthread_mutex_lock (&demoMutex)***;
// Now, since something has been pushed in the vector, it makes sense to wake up the sleeping thread.
if (serverInfoVector.size () > 0)
***pthread_cond_signal (&demoConditionVar);***
pthread_join (newThread [globalThreadIndex], NULL);
int main ()
fp = fopen ("xyz", "w");
***pthread_mutex_init (&demoMutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_t demoConditionVar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;***
checkServerExists (1, "anisha");
checkServerExists (2, "anisha");
return 0;
Этот код улучшен, проблема все еще существует (программа зависает, второй поток не отображается).Функция
(в текущем случае) вызывает создание нового потока и сохранение его в массиве newThread
функция запускает новый поток,
Когда поток создается, он немедленно вызывает свою функцию printHello
и блокируется в условной переменной.
*Затем функция 1016 * вводит значение в очередь глобальной структуры, устанавливает сигнал для пробуждения потока.
Теперь, в чем смысл, которого я пропускаю?
FILE *fp;
pthread_mutex_t demoMutex;
unsigned short globalThreadIndex = 0;
struct serverInfo
unsigned int serverId;
pthread_t threadId;
std :: vector <pthread_t> queue;
std :: vector <serverInfo> serverInfoVector;
void * printHello (void* threadId)
pthread_t *my_tid = (pthread_t *)&threadId;
printf ("\nIn `printHello ()`: thread id %ld\n", pthread_self ());
***pthread_mutex_lock (&demoMutex);***
unsigned int i = 0;
char found = false;
if (serverInfoVector.size () > 0)
// The following code should be executed when and only when the vector isn't empty.
***pthread_cond_wait (&demoConditionVar, &demoMutex);***
while ((i <= serverInfoVector.size ()) && (found == false))
if (*my_tid == serverInfoVector [i].threadId)
found = true;
if (found == true)
pthread_t writeToFile = pthread_self ();
unsigned short iterate;
for (iterate = 0; iterate < 10000; iterate++)
fprintf (fp, " %d %d", iterate, 4);
fprintf (fp, " %lu %lu", writeToFile, sizeof (pthread_t));
if (!serverInfoVector [i].queue.empty ())
fprintf (fp, " %c %u", 'A', 1);
fprintf (fp, " %lu %lu", serverInfoVector [i].queue.front (), sizeof (pthread_t));
serverInfoVector [i].queue.pop_back ();
fprintf (fp, "\n %lu %u", writeToFile, 1);
***pthread_mutex_unlock (&demoMutex);***
***pthread_exit (NULL);***
void checkServerExists (unsigned int serverNumber, std :: string message)
unsigned int i = 0;
char found = false;
***pthread_mutex_lock (&demoMutex);***
if (serverInfoVector.size () > 0)
while ((i <= serverInfoVector.size ()) && (found == false))
if (serverNumber == serverInfoVector [i].threadId)
found = true;
if (found == false)
pthread_t newThread [2];
int returnValue;
if ((returnValue = pthread_create (&newThread [globalThreadIndex], NULL, printHello, (void*) &newThread [globalThreadIndex])) != 0)
printf ("\nerror: pthread_create failed with error number %d", returnValue);
printf ("\nIn checkServerExists ()`: thread id %ld\n", newThread [globalThreadIndex]);
serverInfo obj;
obj.serverId = serverNumber;
obj.threadId = newThread [globalThreadIndex];
obj.queue.push_back (newThread [globalThreadIndex]);
serverInfoVector.push_back (obj);
// Now, since something has been pushed in the vector, it makes sense to wake up the sleeping thread.
// Now, since something has been pushed in the vector, it makes sense to wake up the sleeping thread.
if (serverInfoVector.size () > 0)
***pthread_cond_signal (&demoConditionVar);***
pthread_join (newThread [globalThreadIndex], NULL);
int main ()
fp = fopen ("xyz", "w");
***pthread_mutex_init (&demoMutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_t demoConditionVar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;***
checkServerExists (1, "anisha");
checkServerExists (2, "anisha");
return 0;
В этом редакторе я поместил блокировку в верхней части функции checkServerExists
(эта функция имеет дело с глобальной структурой serverInfoVector
Все еще висит,: DOH: