Для перечисления подпапок указанной папки в .NET вы можете использовать, например, DirectoryInfo.EnumerateDirectories метод.
Для перечисления общих папок на компьютере вы можете использовать WNetEnumResource встроенная функция, если скрытые административные ресурсы общего доступа, такие как C$
, print$
и т. д., не важны для вас или используйте NetShareEnum для перечисления всех общих ресурсов.
Соответствующий код можетbe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Subfolders {
static internal class Native {
[DllImport ("Netapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern uint NetApiBufferFree (IntPtr buffer);
[DllImport ("Netapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern uint NetShareEnum (
string serverName,
int level,
ref IntPtr bufPtr,
uint prefmaxlen,
ref int entriesread,
ref int totalentries,
ref int resumeHandle
[DllImport ("MPR.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal static extern uint WNetEnumResource(IntPtr hEnum, ref int lpcCount, IntPtr lpBuffer, ref int lpBufferSize);
[DllImport ("MPR.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal static extern uint WNetOpenEnum(ResourceScope dwScope, ResourceType dwType, ResourceUsage dwUsage,
IntPtr lpNetResource, out IntPtr lphEnum);
[DllImport ("MPR.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal static extern uint WNetCloseEnum(IntPtr hEnum);
internal const uint MaxPreferredLength = 0xFFFFFFFF;
internal const int NerrSuccess = 0;
internal enum NetError : uint {
NerrSuccess = 0,
NerrBase = 2100,
NerrUnknownDevDir = (NerrBase + 16),
NerrDuplicateShare = (NerrBase + 18),
NerrBufTooSmall = (NerrBase + 23),
internal enum ShareType : uint {
StypeDisktree = 0,
StypePrintq = 1,
StypeDevice = 2,
StypeIpc = 3,
StypeSpecial = 0x80000000,
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct ShareInfo1 {
public string shi1_netname;
public uint shi1_type;
public string shi1_remark;
public ShareInfo1 (string sharename, uint sharetype, string remark) {
shi1_netname = sharename;
shi1_type = sharetype;
shi1_remark = remark;
public override string ToString () {
return shi1_netname;
public enum ResourceScope: uint {
ResourceConnected = 0x00000001,
ResourceGlobalnet = 0x00000002,
ResourceRemembered = 0x00000003,
ResourceRecent = 0x00000004,
ResourceContext = 0x00000005
public enum ResourceType: uint {
ResourcetypeAny = 0x00000000,
ResourcetypeDisk = 0x00000001,
ResourcetypePrint = 0x00000002,
ResourcetypeReserved = 0x00000008,
ResourcetypeUnknown = 0xFFFFFFFF
public enum ResourceUsage: uint {
ResourceusageConnectable = 0x00000001,
ResourceusageContainer = 0x00000002,
ResourceusageNolocaldevice = 0x00000004,
ResourceusageSibling = 0x00000008,
ResourceusageAttached = 0x00000010,
ResourceusageAll = (ResourceusageConnectable | ResourceusageContainer | ResourceusageAttached),
ResourceusageReserved = 0x80000000
public enum ResourceDisplaytype: uint {
ResourcedisplaytypeGeneric = 0x00000000,
ResourcedisplaytypeDomain = 0x00000001,
ResourcedisplaytypeServer = 0x00000002,
ResourcedisplaytypeShare = 0x00000003,
ResourcedisplaytypeFile = 0x00000004,
ResourcedisplaytypeGroup = 0x00000005,
ResourcedisplaytypeNetwork = 0x00000006,
ResourcedisplaytypeRoot = 0x00000007,
ResourcedisplaytypeShareadmin = 0x00000008,
ResourcedisplaytypeDirectory = 0x00000009,
ResourcedisplaytypeTree = 0x0000000A,
ResourcedisplaytypeNdscontainer = 0x0000000B
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public struct NetResource {
public ResourceScope dwScope;
public ResourceType dwType;
public ResourceDisplaytype dwDisplayType;
public ResourceUsage dwUsage;
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)]
public string lpLocalName;
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)]
public string lpRemoteName;
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)]
public string lpComment;
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPTStr)]
public string lpProvider;
class Program {
static IEnumerable<string> GetShares(string computerName) {
var resources = new List<string>();
IntPtr hEnum = IntPtr.Zero, pResource = IntPtr.Zero;
try {
var resource = new Native.NetResource();
int bufferSize = 163840;
resource.dwType = Native.ResourceType.ResourcetypeAny;
resource.dwScope = Native.ResourceScope.ResourceGlobalnet;
resource.dwUsage = Native.ResourceUsage.ResourceusageContainer;
resource.lpRemoteName = computerName;
pResource = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(resource));
Marshal.StructureToPtr (resource, pResource, false);
uint status = Native.WNetOpenEnum (Native.ResourceScope.ResourceGlobalnet,
out hEnum);
if (status != 0)
return resources;
int numberOfEntries = -1;
IntPtr pBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);
status = Native.WNetEnumResource (hEnum, ref numberOfEntries, pBuffer, ref bufferSize);
if (status == Native.NerrSuccess && numberOfEntries > 0) {
var ptr = pBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++, ptr += Marshal.SizeOf(resource)) {
resource = (Native.NetResource)Marshal.PtrToStructure (ptr, typeof (Native.NetResource));
resources.Add (resource.lpRemoteName.StartsWith (computerName + '\\',
? resource.lpRemoteName.Substring (computerName.Length + 1)
: resource.lpRemoteName);
} finally {
if (hEnum != IntPtr.Zero) {
Native.WNetCloseEnum (hEnum);
if (pResource != IntPtr.Zero) {
return resources;
static IEnumerable<string> GetAllShares (string computerName) {
var shares = new List<string> ();
IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
int entriesread = 0;
int totalentries = 0;
int resumeHandle = 0;
int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Native.ShareInfo1));
try {
uint ret = Native.NetShareEnum (computerName, 1, ref bufPtr,
ref entriesread,
ref totalentries,
ref resumeHandle);
if (ret == (uint)Native.NetError.NerrSuccess) {
var currentPtr = bufPtr;
for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) {
var shi1 = (Native.ShareInfo1)Marshal.PtrToStructure (currentPtr, typeof (Native.ShareInfo1));
if ((shi1.shi1_type & ~(uint)Native.ShareType.StypeSpecial) == (uint)Native.ShareType.StypeDisktree) {
shares.Add (shi1.shi1_netname);
currentPtr = new IntPtr (currentPtr.ToInt32 () + nStructSize);
} finally {
if (bufPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
Native.NetApiBufferFree (bufPtr);
return shares;
static IEnumerable<string> GetSubdirectories (string root) {
var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo (root);
return (from info in dirInfo.EnumerateDirectories () select info.Name).ToList();
static void Main () {
var root = @"\\OK01\Users";
Console.WriteLine ("Subdirectories of {0}:", root);
foreach (var dir in GetSubdirectories (root)) {
Console.WriteLine (dir);
Console.WriteLine ();
root = @"\\OK01\Users\Public";
Console.WriteLine ("Subdirectories of {0}:", root);
foreach (var dir in GetSubdirectories (root)) {
Console.WriteLine (dir);
Console.WriteLine ();
root = @"\\OK01";
Console.WriteLine ("All Shares of {0} (inclusive hidden):", root);
foreach (var shareName in GetAllShares (root)) {
Console.WriteLine (shareName);
Console.WriteLine ();
root = @"\\OK01";
Console.WriteLine ("Shares of {0}:", root);
foreach (var shareName in GetShares (root)) {
Console.WriteLine (shareName);
, который производит вывод, подобный
Subdirectories of \\OK01\Users:
All Users
ASP.NET v4.0
Default User
Subdirectories of \\OK01\Users\Public:
Recorded TV
All Shares of \\OK01 (inclusive hidden):
Virtual Machines
Shares of \\OK01:
Virtual Machines
Приведенный выше код упрощен, чтобы продемонстрировать только, как использовать соответствующий API.Он не содержит реальных сообщений об ошибках.