Вот реализация пользовательского селектора, который работает для меня.
// Custom jQuery selector to select on custom namespaced attributes
$.expr[':'].nsAttr = function(obj, index, meta, stack) {
// if the parameter isn't a string, the selector is invalid,
// so always return false.
if ( typeof meta[3] != 'string' )
return false;
// if the parameter doesn't have an '=' character in it,
// assume it is an attribute name with no value,
// and match all elements that have only that attribute name.
if ( meta[3].indexOf('=') == -1 )
var val = $(obj).attr(meta[3]);
return (typeof val !== 'undefined' && val !== false);
// if the parameter does contain an '=' character,
// we should only match elements that have an attribute
// with a matching name and value.
// split the parameter into name/value pairs
var arr = meta[3].split('=', 2);
var attrName = arr[0];
var attrValue = arr[1];
// if the current object has an attribute matching the specified
// name & value, include it in our selection.
return ( $(obj).attr(attrName) == attrValue );
Пример использования:
// Show all divs where the custom attribute matches both name and value.
// Show all divs that have the custom attribute, regardless of its value.