У меня есть 2 больших текстовых файла с 400 000 строк текста в каждом файле.В File2.txt мне нужно найти строку, содержащую userId из текущей строки в File1.txt.Найдя правильную строку в File2.txt, я делаю некоторые вычисления и записываю строку в новый текстовый файл.
Код, который я создал для этого, работает очень медленно.Я пытался переписать его различными способами, но он всегда пыхтит и никогда не заканчивается.Как я могу сделать это быстро?
private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string line1 = "";
string line2 = "";
//the new text file we are creating. Located in IVR_Text_Update\bin\Debug
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("NewFile.txt");
//the new text file which contains the registrants which need removing
StreamWriter sw_removeRegs = new StreamWriter("RemoveRegistrants.txt");
//address has changed so we write the line to the address file
StreamWriter sw_addressChange = new StreamWriter("AddressChanged.txt");
List<string> lines_secondFile = new List<string>();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog2.FileName)) {
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
//loop through the frozen file one line at a time
while ((line1 = sr1.ReadLine()) != null) {
//get the line from the update file, assign it to line2
//function accepts (userId, List)
line2 = getLine(line1.Substring(3, 8), lines_secondFile);
//if line2 is null then userId was not found therefore we write
//the line to Remove Registrants file
if (line2 == null) {
sw_removeRegs.Write(line1 + Environment.NewLine);
//address between the two lines was found to be different so we still write
//them to the new text file but don't update codes
else if (line1.Substring(93, 53) != line2.Substring(93, 53)) {
sw_addressChange.Write(line1 + Environment.NewLine);
sw.Write(line1 + Environment.NewLine);
//test for null then write the new line in our new text file
else if ((line1 != null) && (line2 != null)) {
sw.Write(line1.Substring(0, 608) +
line2.Substring(608, 9) +
line2.Substring(617, 9) +
line2.Substring(626, 9) +
line2.Substring(635, 9) +
line2.Substring(644, 9) +
line2.Substring(653, 9) +
line2.Substring(662, 9) +
line2.Substring(671, 9) +
line2.Substring(680, 9) +
line1.Substring(680, 19) +
textBox1.Text = "Finished.";
//returns the line from the update file which has the corresponding userId
//from the frozen file
string getLine(string userId, List<string> lines_secondFile) {
foreach (string currentLine in lines_secondFile) {
if (currentLine.Contains(userId)) {
return currentLine;
return null;