Что-то не так с этой функцией AJAX, но я не вижу, что.
$('.review').click(function() {
var idatas = $(this).attr('rel');
var idata = 'idata=' + idatas;
type: 'POST',
url: '<?php echo $thisposturl;?>?review',
data: idata,
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(data) {
error: function(data) {
$('#dbody').html('arse biscuity');
$rid = $_POST['idata'];
$ireviews = get_posts('post_type=reviews&p='.$rid.'&numberposts=-1');
foreach ($ireviews as $ireview) :
$ioutput = '<div class="iavatar"></div>
<div class="ititle">'.get_the_title($ireview).'<br />
<div class="iauthor">'.get_the_author($ireview).'</div></div>
<div class="icontent">'.get_the_content($ireview).'</div>';
echo json_encode(array('ioutput'=> $ioutput));
Согласно Firebug ответ таков:
{"ioutput":"<div class=\"iavatar\"><\/div>\n<div class=\"ititle\">What a lovely course<br \/>\n<div class=\"iauthor\">pm master<\/div><\/div>\n<div class=\"icontent\">This intimate layout, with its undulating and springy fairways that zigzag in amongst the woodland setting, calls for accurate driving and precision shot-making into the well-bunkered greens; another classic Colt trademark. Position, not power, is the name of the game here.<\/div>"}
Но это происходит с ошибкой и не помещает содержимое в #dbody
Есть идеи?