Скопировано со страницы OAuth API Facebook
With this code in hand, you can proceed to the next step, app authentication, to gain the access token you need to make API calls.
In order to authenticate your app, you must pass the authorization code and your app secret to the Graph API token endpoint - along with the exact same redirect_uri used above - at https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token. The app secret is available from the Developer App and should not be shared with anyone or embedded in any code that you will distribute (you should use the client-side flow for these scenarios).
If your app is successfully authenticated and the authorization code from the user is valid, the authorization server will return the access token.
Так что да, это довольно стандартно для OAuth. Получите код успеха, вставьте его в указанный выше URL-адрес (с соответствующим client_id, client_secret и redirect_uri), и вы получите деньги. Вы получите токен доступа обратно, и время вечеринки оттуда.
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