В этом ответе я использовал скрипт временной таблицы Эда Харпера.
Моя первая и вторая попытка получить набор исключаемых строк не совсем верны. Вторая попытка намного длиннее, но результат тот же неправильный.
В конечном итоге, я думаю, что я хочу получить только парентидные 3 строки в таблице исключений, поскольку они являются дубликатами строк parentid1.
Затем я могу исключить их из исходной таблицы меню.
Я не хочу, чтобы 5 парентидных строк в таблице исключений, потому что строки меню отличаются от парентидных 1
[ParentId] [INT] NULL,
[Title] [VARCHAR](50) NULL,
[ActionId] [INT] NULL,
[FormId] [INT] NULL
[Name] [VARCHAR](50) NULL,
[FormId] [INT] NULL
INSERT @menu (Id,ParentId,Title,ActionId,DATA,FormId)
SELECT 20,1,'Title1',17,'Data1Filter2',1
UNION SELECT 21,1,'Title2',17,'Data2Filter2',1
UNION SELECT 22,2,'Title9',16,'RootMenu2',1
UNION SELECT 23,2,'Title5',17,'Data3Filter2',1
UNION SELECT 24,3,'Title1',17,'Data1Filter2',2
UNION SELECT 25,3,'Title2',17,'Data2Filter2',2
UNION SELECT 26,4,'Title9',16,'RootMenu2',2
UNION SELECT 27,4,'Title5',17,'Data3Filter2',2
UNION SELECT 28,5,'Title1',17,'Data1Filter2',3
UNION SELECT 29,5,'Title2',17,'Data2Filter2X',3
UNION SELECT 30,6,'Title9',16,'RootMenu2',3
UNION SELECT 31,6,'Title5',17,'Data3Filter2',3
INSERT @rootmenu (Id,Name,FormId)
SELECT 1,'RootMenu2',1
UNION SELECT 2,'RootMenu3',1
UNION SELECT 3,'RootMenu3',2
UNION SELECT 4,'RootMenu3',2
UNION SELECT 5,'RootMenu3',3
UNION SELECT 6,'RootMenu3',4
--non recursive level 1 menu with Root
SELECT DISTINCT m.ParentId,m.Title,m.ActionId,m.DATA
FROM @menu AS m, @rootmenu AS r
where r.Id = m.ParentId
and m.ActionId<>16
--non recursive level 1 menu with Root
SELECT DISTINCT m.ParentId,m.Title,m.ActionId,m.DATA
FROM @menu AS m, @rootmenu AS r
where r.Id = m.ParentId
and m.ActionId=16
--level 1 menu without Root
--SELECT m.ParentId,m.Title,m.ActionId,m.DATA
--FROM @menu AS m
--level 1 count
SELECT ParentId, COUNT(*) as count from
SELECT ParentId as ParentId,Title as Title,ActionId as ActionId,DATA as DATA
FROM @menu m3) as l1
group by ParentId
--2nd level menu
SELECT DISTINCT m2.ParentId,m2.Title,m2.ActionId,m2.DATA
FROM @menu AS m, @menu AS m2, @rootmenu AS r,@rootmenu AS r2
where r.Id = m.ParentId
and r2.Id = m2.ParentId
and m.DATA= r2.Name
--initial attempt at exclusion rows
select distinct Level1.* from
(SELECT DISTINCT m2.ParentId as ParentId,m2.Title as Title,m2.ActionId as ActionId,m2.DATA as DATA
FROM @menu AS m, @menu AS m2, @rootmenu AS r,@rootmenu AS r2
where r.Id = m.ParentId
and r2.Id = m2.ParentId
and m.DATA= r2.Name)
as Level2 ,
(SELECT DISTINCT ParentId as ParentId,Title as Title,ActionId as ActionId,DATA as DATA
FROM @menu
where ActionId<>16)
as Level1
where Level1.Title=Level2.Title
and Level1.ActionId=Level2.ActionId
and Level1.DATA=Level2.DATA
and not Level1.ParentId=Level2.ParentId
--second attempt at exclusion rows with Counts
select distinct Level1.* from
(SELECT DISTINCT m2.ParentId as ParentId,m2.Title as Title,m2.ActionId as ActionId,m2.DATA as DATA
FROM @menu AS m, @menu AS m2, @rootmenu AS r,@rootmenu AS r2
where r.Id = m.ParentId
and r2.Id = m2.ParentId
and m.DATA= r2.Name)
as Level2
(SELECT ParentId, COUNT(*) as count from
(SELECT DISTINCT m2c.ParentId as ParentId,m2c.Title as Title,m2c.ActionId as ActionId,m2c.DATA as DATA from
@menu AS mc, @menu AS m2c, @rootmenu AS rc,@rootmenu AS r2c
where rc.Id = mc.ParentId
and r2c.Id = m2c.ParentId
and mc.DATA= r2c.Name) as l2
Group by ParentId) as L2Count
On L2Count.ParentId= Level2.ParentId,
(SELECT DISTINCT ParentId as ParentId,Title as Title,ActionId as ActionId,DATA as DATA
FROM @menu
where ActionId<>16)
as Level1
(SELECT ParentId, COUNT(*) as count from
SELECT ParentId as ParentId,Title as Title,ActionId as ActionId,DATA as DATA
FROM @menu m3
where ActionId<>16) as l1
group by ParentId) as L1Count
On L1Count.ParentId= Level1.ParentId
where Level1.Title=Level2.Title
and Level1.ActionId=Level2.ActionId
and Level1.DATA=Level2.DATA
and not Level1.ParentId=Level2.ParentId
and L1Count.count= L2Count.count