Я только что прочитал , что я должен знать о памяти и поиграл с эталонным тестом.Надеюсь, это кому-нибудь поможет:
struct TimeLogger
const char* m_blockName;
const clock_t m_start;
TimeLogger(const char* blockName) : m_blockName(blockName), m_start(clock()) {}
clock_t finish = clock();
std::cout << "Done: " << m_blockName << " in " << (finish - m_start) * 1000.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms" << std::endl;
const size_t k_ITERATIONS = 16;
const size_t k_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 16;
uint64_t test(const char* name, const std::vector<int64_t>& data, const std::vector<size_t>& indexes)
TimeLogger log = name;
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < k_ITERATIONS; ++i)
for (size_t index : indexes)
sum += data[index];
return sum;
// return shuffled sequences of consecutive numbers like [0,1,2, 6,7,8, 3,4,5, ...]
std::vector<size_t> fillSequences(size_t size, size_t seriesSize, std::mt19937 g)
std::vector<size_t> semiRandIdx;
size_t i = 0;
auto semiRandSequences = std::vector<size_t>(size / seriesSize, 0);
std::generate(semiRandSequences.begin(), semiRandSequences.end(), [&i]() { return i++; });
std::shuffle(semiRandSequences.begin(), semiRandSequences.end(), g);
for (size_t seqNumber : semiRandSequences)
for (size_t i = seqNumber * seriesSize; i < (seqNumber + 1) * seriesSize; ++i)
return semiRandIdx;
int main()
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 g(rd());
auto intData = std::vector<int64_t>(k_SIZE, 0);
std::generate(intData.begin(), intData.end(), g);
// [0, 1, 2, ... N]
auto idx = std::vector<size_t>(k_SIZE, 0);
std::generate(idx.begin(), idx.end(), []() {static size_t i = 0; return i++; });
// [N, N-1, ... 0]
auto reverseIdx = std::vector<size_t>(idx.rbegin(), idx.rend());
// random permutation of [0, 1, ... N]
auto randIdx = idx;
std::shuffle(randIdx.begin(), randIdx.end(), g);
// random permutations of 32, 64, 128-byte sequences
auto seq32Idx = fillSequences(idx.size(), 32 / sizeof(int64_t), g);
auto seq64Idx = fillSequences(idx.size(), 64 / sizeof(int64_t), g);
auto seq128Idx = fillSequences(idx.size(), 128 / sizeof(int64_t), g);
size_t dataSize = intData.size() * sizeof(int64_t);
size_t indexSize = idx.size() * sizeof(int64_t);
std::cout << "vectors filled, data (MB): " << dataSize / 1024 / 1024.0 << "; index (MB): " << indexSize / 1024 / 1024.0
<< "; total (MB): " << (dataSize + indexSize) / 1024 / 1024.0 << std::endl << "Loops: " << k_ITERATIONS << std::endl;
uint64_t sum1 = test("regular access", intData, idx);
uint64_t sum2 = test("reverse access", intData, reverseIdx);
uint64_t sum3 = test("random access", intData, randIdx);
uint64_t sum4 = test("random 32-byte sequences", intData, seq32Idx);
uint64_t sum5 = test("random 64-byte sequences", intData, seq64Idx);
uint64_t sum6 = test("random 128-byte sequences", intData, seq128Idx);
std::cout << sum1 << ", " << sum2 << ", " << sum3 << ", " << sum4 << ", " << sum5 << ", " << sum6 << std::endl;
return 0;
Любопытно, что предварительная выборка процессора значительно оптимизирует доступ к обратному массиву.Я нашел это при сравнении времени прямого доступа с обратным доступом: на моем ПК производительность одинакова.
Вот также некоторые результаты на ноутбуке с 2x32KB L1, 2x256KB L2 и 3MB L3 кешем:
vectors filled, data (MB): 512; index (MB): 512; total (MB): 1024
Loops: 1
Done: regular access in 147 ms
Done: reverse access in 119 ms
Done: random access in 2943 ms
Done: random 32-byte sequences in 938 ms
Done: random 64-byte sequences in 618 ms
Done: random 128-byte sequences in 495 ms
vectors filled, data (MB): 4; index (MB): 4; total (MB): 8
Loops: 512
Done: regular access in 331 ms
Done: reverse access in 334 ms
Done: random access in 1961 ms
Done: random 32-byte sequences in 1099 ms
Done: random 64-byte sequences in 930 ms
Done: random 128-byte sequences in 824 ms
vectors filled, data (MB): 1; index (MB): 1; total (MB): 2
Loops: 2048
Done: regular access in 174 ms
Done: reverse access in 162 ms
Done: random access in 490 ms
Done: random 32-byte sequences in 318 ms
Done: random 64-byte sequences in 295 ms
Done: random 128-byte sequences in 257 ms
vectors filled, data (MB): 0.125; index (MB): 0.125; total (MB): 0.25
Loops: 16384
Done: regular access in 148 ms
Done: reverse access in 139 ms
Done: random access in 210 ms
Done: random 32-byte sequences in 179 ms
Done: random 64-byte sequences in 166 ms
Done: random 128-byte sequences in 163 ms