Это пример того, как это сделать.Я не знаю, каков ваш «пользовательский ввод», поэтому я просто сделал предположение.Исправьте по мере необходимости.
Sub CopySomeFiles()
Dim FSO, sourceFolder, currentFile, filesInSourceFolder
Dim strSourceFolderPath As String
Dim strDestinationFolderPath As String
Dim strUserInput As String
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Figure out which file to copy from where to where
strUserInput = InputBox("Please enter name of file to copy.")
strSourceFolderPath = "C:\MySourceFolder"
strDestinationFolderPath = "C:\MyDestinationFolder"
Set sourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strSourceFolderPath)
Set filesInSourceFolder = sourceFolder.Files
' Look at all files in source folder. If name matches,
' copy to destination folder.
For Each currentFile In filesInSourceFolder
If currentFile.Name = strUserInput Then
currentFile.Copy (FSO.BuildPath(strDestinationFolderPath, _
End If
End Sub