Если вы не возражаете против использования привязки Python для MuPDF, вот решение Python, использующее PyMuPDF (я один из его разработчиков):
import fitz # the PyMuPDF module
doc = fitz.open("input.pdf") # PDF input file
page = doc[n] # page number n (0-based)
wordlist = page.getTextWords() # gives you a list of all words on the
# page, together with their position info (a rectangle containing the word)
# or, if you only are interested in blocks of lines belonging together:
blocklist = page.getTextBlocks()
# If you need yet more details, use a JSON-based output, which also gives
# images and their positions, as well as font information for the text.
tdict = json.loads(page.getText("json"))
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