Образцы таблиц
create table Table1(ID int, Name varchar(10), value float)
insert table1 select
1 ,'a1', 32116580 union all select
2 ,'a2', 50785384 union all select
3 ,'a3', 54327508 union all select
4 ,'a4', 61030844
create table Table2(ID int, Name varchar(10), value float)
insert Table2 select
1 ,'x11', 61326085092 union all select
2 ,'x12', 80368184260 union all select
3 ,'x13', 83023398776 union all select
4 ,'x14', 91144307692 union all select
5 ,'x22', 95486535484 union all select
6 ,'x23', 90357090612 union all select
7 ,'x24', 100588807668 union all select
8 ,'x33', 707811916752 union all select
9 ,'x34', 93128452928 union all select
10 ,'x44', 84566653668
create table Table3(ID int, Name varchar(10), value float)
insert Table3 select
1 ,'q1', 61326085092 union all select
2 ,'q2', 95486535484 union all select
3 ,'q3', 707811916752 union all select
4 ,'q4', 84566653668
Запрос, который вам нужен, для N = 4. Для любого другого N просто используйте динамический SQL для построения запроса, изменив 2 требуемые строки, как указано **
;with coords(i,row,col,total,N) as (
select 1,1,1,N.N*(N.N+1)/2, N.N
from (select count(*) N from table1) N
union all
select i+1,
case when col+1>N then row+1 else row end,
case when col+1>N then row+1 else col+1 end,
total, N
from coords
where i<total
select [1],[2],[3],[4] -- **, e.g. ,[5],[6],etc
cellvalue= ar.value*ac.value/(qr.value+qc.value+x.value)
from coords c
inner join table1 ar on ar.id = c.row
inner join table1 ac on ac.id = c.col
inner join table3 qr on qr.id = c.row
inner join table3 qc on qc.ID = c.col
inner join table2 x on x.ID = c.i
) p
pivot (max(cellvalue) for col in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) pv -- **
order by row
1 2 3 4
---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
5606.50338459295 6876.83326310711 2047.51559459649 8269.17991568225
NULL 9003.55641750708 3087.36780924588 11044.2303130135
NULL NULL 1389.95405212248 3744.35614651666
NULL NULL NULL 14681.7678040306
Динамическая версия
declare @Sql nvarchar(max)
select @Sql = ISNULL(@sql + ',', '') + QUOTENAME(RIGHT(number,10))
from master..spt_values
where type='P' and number between 1 and (select COUNT(*) From table1)
set @Sql = '
;with coords(i,row,col,total,N) as (
select 1,1,1,N.N*(N.N+1)/2, N.N
from (select count(*) N from table1) N
union all
select i+1,
case when col+1>N then row+1 else row end,
case when col+1>N then row+1 else col+1 end,
total, N
from coords
where i<total
select ' + @sql + '
cellvalue= ar.value*ac.value/(qr.value+qc.value+x.value)
from coords c
inner join table1 ar on ar.id = c.row
inner join table1 ac on ac.id = c.col
inner join table3 qr on qr.id = c.row
inner join table3 qc on qc.ID = c.col
inner join table2 x on x.ID = c.i
) p
pivot (max(cellvalue) for col in (' + @sql + ')) pv
order by row
option (maxrecursion 0) -- ! use with caution