Итак, цель состоит в том, чтобы представление прокрутки работало правильно внутри галереи.Я использую пример, опубликованный atraudes , который вы можете увидеть ниже:
public class GalleryFriendlyScrollView extends ScrollView{
private static int NONE = -1;
private static int DOSCROLLVIEW = 0;
private static int DOGALLERY = 1;
private float lastx = 0;
private float lasty = 0;
private float firstx = 0;
private float firsty = 0;
private float lastRawx = 0;
private float lastRawy = 0;
private int gestureRecipient = NONE;
private boolean donewithclick = true;
private Gallery parent = null;
private boolean firstclick = true;
public GalleryFriendlyScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
boolean retthis = true;
//Indicating a fresh click
firstx = ev.getX();
firsty = ev.getY();
lastx = firstx;
lasty = firsty;
lastRawx = ev.getRawX();
lastRawy = ev.getRawY();
donewithclick = false;
firstclick = true;
//We don't know where these gesture events are supposed to go to.
//We have movement on the x and/or why axes, so we can determine where they should go now.
if((gestureRecipient == NONE) && (lastx != ev.getX() || lasty != ev.getY())){
//Determine whether there's more movement vertically or horizontally
float xdiff = ev.getX() - lastx;
float ydiff = ev.getY() - lasty;
if(xdiff < 0)xdiff = xdiff * -1;
if(ydiff < 0)ydiff = ydiff * -1;
if((xdiff) > (ydiff)){
gestureRecipient = DOGALLERY;
} else {
gestureRecipient = DOSCROLLVIEW;
if(gestureRecipient == DOGALLERY){
//After you drag the screen left or right a bit, the baseline for where it calculates
//x and y from changes, so we need to adjust the offset to our original baseline
float offsetx = (((ev.getX() - lastx) - (ev.getRawX() - lastRawx)) * -1);
float offsety = (((ev.getY() - lasty) - (ev.getRawY() - lastRawy)) * -1);
ev.offsetLocation(offsetx, offsety);
retthis = getGallery().onTouchEvent(ev);
Log.i("TAG", "gallery");
firstclick = false;
} else if(gestureRecipient == DOSCROLLVIEW){
retthis = super.onTouchEvent(ev); //FIXME This isn't actually scrolling
Log.i("TAG", "scroll");
if(ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){
//User's finger has been lifted
if(((firstx == ev.getX()) && (firsty == ev.getY()))){
//Since there isn't any movement in either direction, it's a click
donewithclick = true;
gestureRecipient = NONE;
Log.i("TAG", "END");
//And record our coordinate data
lastx = ev.getX();
lasty = ev.getY();
lastRawx = ev.getRawX();
lastRawy = ev.getRawY();
return retthis;
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
private Gallery getGallery(){
//Gets the gallery
if(parent == null)
parent = (Gallery) (this.getParent().getParent());
return parent;
Похоже, что это ловит все правильные случаи (горизонтальный, вертикальный и ни одного) на основе журналадобавленные сообщения, но по какой-то причине представление прокрутки не прокручивается при вызове super.onTouchEvent (ev) в onTouchEvent (MotionEvent ev).