Это код, который я добавил в мой vendors/xtcpdf.php
<?php App::import('Vendor','tcpdf/tcpdf');
class XTCPDF extends TCPDF {
var $xheadertext = 'PDF created using CakePHP and TCPDF';
var $xheadercolor = array(0,0,200);
var $xfootertext = 'Copyright © %d XXXXXXXXXXX. All rights reserved.';
var $xfooterfont = PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN;
var $xfooterfontsize = 8;
* Overwrites the default header
* set the text in the view using
* $fpdf->xheadertext = 'YOUR ORGANIZATION';
* set the fill color in the view using
* $fpdf->xheadercolor = array(0,0,100); (r, g, b)
* set the font in the view using
* $fpdf->setHeaderFont(array('YourFont','',fontsize));
function Header()
list($r, $b, $g) = $this->xheadercolor;
$this->setY(10); // shouldn't be needed due to page margin, but helas, otherwise it's at the page top
$this->SetFillColor($r, $b, $g);
$this->SetTextColor(0 , 0, 0);
$this->Cell(0,20, '', 0,1,'C', 1);
$this->Text(15,26,$this->xheadertext );
* Overwrites the default footer
* set the text in the view using
* $fpdf->xfootertext = 'Copyright © %d YOUR ORGANIZATION. All rights reserved.';
function Footer()
$year = date('Y');
$footertext = sprintf($this->xfootertext, $year);
$this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
$this->Cell(0,8, $footertext,'T',1,'C');
Вот код моего контроллера:
public function download($id = null) {
if (!$id)
$this->Session->setFlash('Sorry, there was no property ID submitted.');
$this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'), null, true);
Configure::write('debug',0); // Otherwise we cannot use this method while developing
$id = intval($id);
$property = $this->User->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('User.id'=>$id))); // here the data is pulled from the database and set for the view
//$property = $this->__view($id);
if (empty($property))
$this->Session->setFlash('Sorry, there is no property with the submitted ID.');
$this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'), null, true);
$this->layout = 'pdf'; //this will use the pdf.ctp layout
Вот код в моем файле представлений:
$tcpdf = new XTCPDF();
$textfont = 'freesans'; // looks better, finer, and more condensed than 'dejavusans'
$tcpdf->SetAuthor("KBS Homes & Properties at http://kbs-properties.com");
$tcpdf->SetAutoPageBreak( false );
$tcpdf->xheadercolor = array(150,0,0);
$tcpdf->xheadertext = 'KBS Homes & Properties';
$tcpdf->xfootertext = 'Copyright © %d KBS Homes & Properties. All rights reserved.';
// add a page (required with recent versions of tcpdf) $tcpdf->AddPage();
// Now you position and print your page content // example: $tcpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $tcpdf->SetFont($textfont,'B',20); $tcpdf->Cell(0,14, "Hello World", 0,1,'L'); // ... // etc. // see the TCPDF examples
echo $tcpdf->Output('sample.pdf', 'D');
Как добавить данные, чтобы они были видны в файле PDF и файл PDF был загружен?