После небольшого размышления (спасибо некоторым из вас, ребята, за подсказку), имеет смысл запустить эту клиентскую сторону, и я использовал следующий JScript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function send() {
var recpt = "info@example.ccTLD"
var subj = "FASTER BETTER SOONER: Look at Monash Rowville rail now"
var text = "<Enter your name and address here> %0D%0DMelbourne is growing and more people need transport. With concern about climate change and rising petrol prices, Melbourne's growth is not sustainable without more and better public transport.%0D%0DVictorians want more people catching public transport, cycling and walking; fewer trucks on our roads, more freight on rail; and fewer kilometres travelled by car and truck.%0D%0DPublic transport should: be fast, frequent, reliable, affordable and safe; grow as Melbourne grows; be available to all Melbournians; and be managed as an integrated, co-ordinated network.%0D%0DThis means bringing forward existing public transport projects, committing to new projects and accelerating programs to move freight off our roads and onto rail.%0D%0DIt also means looking very closely at the impact on greenhouse gas emissions of any new transport projects like tunnels and freeways.%0D%0DWe especially urge you to look at a feasibility study for a Monash Rowville rail line. %0D%0DAs Melbourne's population grows, better public transport will both reduce traffic congestion and provide a much needed antidote to spiralling petrol prices. "
var bcc = "people@example.ccTLD"
var content = new Array()
content[0] = "mailto:"
content[1] = recpt
content[2] = "?subject="
content[3] = subj
content[4] = "&body="
content[5] = text
content[6] = "&bcc="
content[7] = bcc
content = content.join("")
window.location = content
Это кажетсяк результатам, которые я ожидал.