Сенсорные события для панели изменения размера в GWT - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 15 марта 2012

У меня есть панель, размер которой нужно изменить для лучшего обзора, так как я загружаю много разных виджетов внутри нее.я продолжал использовать Resizable Panel в GWT.Все работало нормально.

Мой вопрос: как я могу реализовать его для устройств с сенсорным экраном, таких как планшеты Android, iPad и т. Д.

Я надеюсь, что на панели изменения размера используются события перетаскивания мышью.Так как я могу реализовать то же самое для сенсорных событий.

Я видел GWT-DND API, где он предоставляет панели Resibale и работал в Touch Также.

Но для меня это будет более утомительным заданием, если я его использую.

Может ли кто-нибудь помочь?

1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 06 сентября 2012

Наконец я понял это. Это было довольно просто, просто добавили обработчики касания, похожие на события мыши, которые я использовал.



 * Abstract base class for {@link VerticalResizePanel}.
abstract class ResizePanel extends Panel implements HasResizeHandlers {

    /* **************************************** */
    // Private Static Fields
    /* **************************************** */
     * The element that masks the screen so we can catch mouse events over
     * iframes.
    private static Element glassElem = null;

    /** The handler manager for our events. */

    /* **************************************** */
    // Private Fields
    /* **************************************** */
    // The elements containing the widgets.
    /** The elements. */
    private final Element[] elements = new Element[1];

    /** The handler manager for our events. */

    private final EventBus resizeHandlerManager = new SimpleEventBus();

    // Indicates whether drag resizing is active.
    /** The is resizing. */
    private boolean isResizing = false;

    // The element that acts as the splitter.
    /** The split elem. */
    private final Element splitElem;

    // The enclosed widgets.
    /** The widgets. */
    private final Widget[] widgets = new Widget[2];

    /* **************************************** */
    // Constructors
    /* **************************************** */
     * Initializes the split panel.
     * @param mainElem
     *            the root element for the split panel
     * @param splitElem
     *            the element that acts as the splitter
     * @param headElem
     *            the element to contain the top or left most widget
    ResizePanel(final Element mainElem, final Element splitElem,final Element headElem) {
        this.splitElem = splitElem;
        this.elements[0] = headElem;
        this.sinkEvents(Event.MOUSEEVENTS | Event.ONLOSECAPTURE | Event.TOUCHEVENTS | Event.ONTOUCHCANCEL);
        if (ResizePanel.glassElem == null) {
            ResizePanel.glassElem = DOM.createDiv();
                    .setProperty("position", "absolute");
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("top", "0px");
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("left", "0px");
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("margin", "0px");
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("padding", "0px");
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("border", "0px");
            // We need to set the background color or mouse events will go right
            // through the glassElem. If the SplitPanel contains an iframe, the
            // iframe will capture the event and the slider will stop moving.
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("background", "white");
            ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", "0.0");

    /* **************************************** */
    // Package Static Properties
    /* **************************************** */
     * Returns the offsetHeight element property.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @return the offsetHeight property
    static final int getOffsetHeight(final Element elem) {
        return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(elem, "offsetHeight");

     * Returns the offsetWidth element property.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @return the offsetWidth property
    static final int getOffsetWidth(final Element elem) {
        return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(elem, "offsetWidth");

     * Adds zero or none CSS values for padding, margin and border to prevent
     * stylesheet overrides. Returns the element for convenience to support
     * builder pattern.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @return the element
    static final Element preventBoxStyles(final Element elem) {
        DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(elem, "padding", 0);
        DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(elem, "margin", 0);
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "border", "none");
        return elem;

     * Convenience method to set bottom offset of an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param size
     *            a CSS length value for bottom
    static void setBottom(final Element elem, final String size) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "bottom", size);

     * Sets the elements css class name.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param className
     *            the class name
    static final void setClassname(final Element elem, final String className) {
        DOM.setElementProperty(elem, "className", className);

     * Convenience method to set the height of an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param height
     *            a CSS length value for the height
    static final void setHeight(final Element elem, final String height) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "height", height);

     * Convenience method to set the left offset of an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param left
     *            a CSS length value for left
    static final void setLeft(final Element elem, final String left) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "left", left);

     * Convenience method to set the right offset of an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param right
     *            a CSS length value for right
    static final void setRight(final Element elem, final String right) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "right", right);

     * Convenience method to set the top offset of an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param top
     *            a CSS length value for top
    static final void setTop(final Element elem, final String top) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "top", top);

     * Convenience method to set the width of an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
     * @param width
     *            a CSS length value for the width
    static final void setWidth(final Element elem, final String width) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "width", width);

    /* **************************************** */
    // Public Properties
    /* **************************************** */
     * Gets the element that is acting as the splitter.
     * @return the element
    public Element getSplitElement() {
        return this.splitElem;

     * Gets the value of resizeHandlerManager.
     * @return Gets the value of resizeHandlerManager.
    public EventBus getResizeHandlerManager() {
        return resizeHandlerManager;

     * Indicates whether the split panel is being resized.
     * @return if the user is dragging the splitter, otherwise
    public boolean isResizing() {
        return this.isResizing;

    /* **************************************** */
    // Public Static Methods
    /* **************************************** */
     * Sets an elements positioning to absolute.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
    static void addAbsolutePositoning(final Element elem) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "position", "absolute");

     * Adds clipping to an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
    static final void addClipping(final Element elem) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "overflow", "hidden");

     * Adds as-needed scrolling to an element.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
    static final void addScrolling(final Element elem) {
        DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "overflow", "auto");

     * Sizes and element to consume the full area of its parent using the CSS
     * properties left, right, top, and bottom. This method is used for all
     * browsers except IE6/7.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
    static final void expandToFitParentUsingCssOffsets(final Element elem) {
        final String zeroSize = "0px";
        ResizePanel.setLeft(elem, zeroSize);
        ResizePanel.setRight(elem, zeroSize);
        ResizePanel.setTop(elem, zeroSize);
        ResizePanel.setBottom(elem, zeroSize);

     * Sizes an element to consume the full areas of its parent using 100% width
     * and height. This method is used on IE6/7 where CSS offsets don't work
     * reliably.
     * @param elem
     *            the element
    static final void expandToFitParentUsingPercentages(final Element elem) {
        final String zeroSize = "0px";
        final String fullSize = "100%";
        ResizePanel.setTop(elem, zeroSize);
        ResizePanel.setLeft(elem, zeroSize);
        ResizePanel.setWidth(elem, fullSize);
        ResizePanel.setHeight(elem, fullSize);

    /* **************************************** */
    // Public Methods
    /* **************************************** */
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void add(final Widget widget) {
        boolean canAddWidget = false;
        for (int index = 0; index < this.widgets.length; index++) {
            if (this.getWidget(index) == null) {
                this.setWidget(index, widget);
                canAddWidget = true;

        if (!canAddWidget) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "A Resizable panel can only contain two Widgets.");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public HandlerRegistration addResizeHandler(final ResizeEventHandler handler) {
        return this.resizeHandlerManager.addHandler(ResizeEvent.TYPE, handler);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Iterator<Widget> iterator() {
        return ResizableControlIterator
                .createWidgetIterator(this, this.widgets);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void onBrowserEvent(final Event event) {
        switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {
        case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN:
            final Element target = DOM.eventGetTarget(event);
            if (DOM.isOrHasChild(this.splitElem, target)) {
                this.startResizingFrom(DOM.eventGetClientX(event) - this.getAbsoluteLeft(),DOM.eventGetClientY(event) - this.getAbsoluteTop());
        case Event.ONMOUSEUP:
            if (this.isResizing()) {
                // The order of these two lines is important. If we release
                // capture
                // first, then we might trigger an onLoseCapture event
                // before we set
                // isResizing to false.
                if (this.isResizing()) {
        case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE:
            if (this.isResizing()) {
                assert DOM.getCaptureElement() != null;
                this.onSplitterResize(DOM.eventGetClientX(event) - this.getAbsoluteLeft(),DOM.eventGetClientY(event) - this.getAbsoluteTop());
        // IE automatically releases capture if the user switches
        // windows, so we
        // need to catch the event and stop resizing.
        case Event.ONLOSECAPTURE:
            if (this.isResizing()) {
        case Event.ONTOUCHSTART:
            final Element touchableTarget = DOM.eventGetTarget(event);          
            if (DOM.isOrHasChild(this.splitElem, touchableTarget)) {
                this.startResizingFrom((event.getTouches().get(0).getClientX() - this.getAbsoluteLeft()),(event.getTouches().get(0).getClientY() - this.getAbsoluteTop()));
        case Event.ONTOUCHMOVE:
            if (this.isResizing()) {
                assert DOM.getCaptureElement() != null;
                this.onSplitterResize((event.getTouches().get(0).getClientX() - this.getAbsoluteLeft()),(event.getTouches().get(0).getClientY() - this.getAbsoluteTop()));
        // IE automatically releases capture if the user switches
        // windows, so we
        // need to catch the event and stop resizing.
        case Event.ONTOUCHEND:
            if (this.isResizing()) {
                // The order of these two lines is important. If we release
                // capture
                // first, then we might trigger an onLoseCapture event
                // before we set
                // isResizing to false.
                if (this.isResizing()) {
        case Event.ONTOUCHCANCEL:
            if (this.isResizing()) {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean remove(final Widget widget) {
        if (widget != null) {
            for (int index = 0; index < this.widgets.length; index++) {
                if ((this.widgets[index] == widget)) {
                    this.setWidget(index, null);
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Moves the position of the splitter.
     * @param size
     *            the new size of the left region in CSS units (e.g. "10px",
     *            "1em")
    public abstract void setSplitPosition(String size);

     * Split position set done.
    public abstract void splitPositionSetDone();

     * Called on each mouse drag event as the user is dragging the splitter.
     * @param x
     *            the x coordinate of the mouse relative to the panel's extent
     * @param y
     *            the y coordinate of the mouse relative to the panel's extent
    abstract void onSplitterResize(int x, int y);

     * Called when the user starts dragging the splitter.
     * @param x
     *            the x coordinate of the mouse relative to the panel's extent
     * @param y
     *            the y coordinate of the mouse relative to the panel's extent
    abstract void onSplitterResizeStarted(int x, int y);

    /* **************************************** */
    // Protected Methods
    /* **************************************** */
     * Gets the content element for the given index.
     * @param index
     *            the index of the element, only 0 and 1 are valid.
     * @return the element
    protected Element getElement(final int index) {
        return this.elements[index];

     * Gets one of the contained widgets.
     * @param index
     *            the index of the widget, only 0 and 1 are valid.
     * @return the widget
    protected Widget getWidget(final int index) {
        return this.widgets[index];

     * <b>Affected Elements:</b>
     * <ul>
     * <li>-splitter = the container containing the splitter element.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param baseId
     *            The base id.
     * @see UIObject#onEnsureDebugId(String)
    protected void onEnsureDebugId(final String baseId) {
        UIObject.ensureDebugId(this.splitElem, baseId, "splitter");

     * Sets one of the contained widgets.
     * @param index
     *            the index, only 0 and 1 are valid
     * @param widget
     *            the widget
    protected final void setWidget(final int index, final Widget widget) {
        final Widget oldWidget = this.widgets[index];
        // Validate.
        if (oldWidget == widget) {
        // Detach the new child.
        if (widget != null) {
        // Remove the old child.
        if (oldWidget != null) {
            // Orphan old.
            try {
            } finally {
                // Physical detach old.
                DOM.removeChild(this.elements[0], oldWidget.getElement());
                this.widgets[index] = null;
        // Logical attach new.
        this.widgets[index] = widget;
        if (widget != null) {
            // Physical attach new.
            DOM.appendChild(this.elements[0], widget.getElement());
            // Adopt new.

    /* **************************************** */
    // Private Methods
    /* **************************************** */
     * Start resizing from.
     * @param x
     *            the x coordinate of the mouse relative to the panel's extent
     * @param y
     *            the y coordinate of the mouse relative to the panel's extent
    public void startResizingFrom(final int x, final int y) {
        this.isResizing = true;
        this.onSplitterResizeStarted(x, y);
        // Resize glassElem to take up the entire scrollable window area
        final int height = RootPanel.getBodyElement().getScrollHeight() - 1;
        final int width = RootPanel.getBodyElement().getScrollWidth() - 1;
        ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("height", height + "px");
        ResizePanel.glassElem.getStyle().setProperty("width", width + "px");

     * Stop resizing.
    void stopResizing() {
        this.isResizing = false;
        // FIXME:: Why is the remove causing error.
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            GWT.log("Got error removing the glassElem: " + e);

Также добавляем мои события и обработчики событий


 * When panels (Ex: VerticalSplitPanel) are resized, adjust the positions.
public class ResizeEvent extends GwtEvent<ResizeEventHandler> {

    /* **************************************** */
    // Public Static Fields
    /* **************************************** */
    /** The Constant TYPE. */
    public static final Type<ResizeEventHandler> TYPE = new Type<ResizeEventHandler>();

    /* **************************************** */
    // Private Fields
    /* **************************************** */
    /** The split size. */
    private final int splitSize;

    /* **************************************** */
    // Constructors
    /* **************************************** */
     * Instantiates a new view set event.
     * @param splitSize
     *            The split size.
    public ResizeEvent(final int splitSize) {
        this.splitSize = splitSize;

    /* **************************************** */
    // Public Properties
    /* **************************************** */
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Type<ResizeEventHandler> getAssociatedType() {
        return ResizeEvent.TYPE;

     * Gets the top position.
     * @return The split position.
    public int getSplitSize() {
        return splitSize;

    /* **************************************** */
    // Protected Methods
    /* **************************************** */
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected void dispatch(final ResizeEventHandler handler) {



 * The Interface ResizeEventHandler.
public interface ResizeEventHandler extends EventHandler {

     * On move.
     * @param event
     *            The event.
    void onResize(ResizeEvent event);
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