Похоже, что first () и last () будут O (log n), а не O (1) на основе Implentation (sun jdk 1.6.0_23) TreeMap, который используется TreeSet по умолчанию:
* Returns the first Entry in the TreeMap (according to the TreeMap's
* key-sort function). Returns null if the TreeMap is empty.
final Entry<K,V> getFirstEntry() {
Entry<K,V> p = root;
if (p != null)
while (p.left != null)
p = p.left;
return p;
* Returns the last Entry in the TreeMap (according to the TreeMap's
* key-sort function). Returns null if the TreeMap is empty.
final Entry<K,V> getLastEntry() {
Entry<K,V> p = root;
if (p != null)
while (p.right != null)
p = p.right;
return p;