точек было бы проще добавить, просто добавив panel.points
сверху. Добавление очков к легенде может быть немного сложнее. Следующая функция делает это в виде сетки.
grid.colorbar(runif(10, -2, 5))
diverging_palette <- function(d = NULL, centered = FALSE, midpoint = 0,
colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7,"PRGn")){
half <- length(colors)/2
stop("requires odd number of colors")
if( !centered && !(midpoint <= max(d) && midpoint >= min(d)))
warning("Midpoint is outside the data range!")
values <- if(!centered) {
low <- seq(min(d), midpoint, length=half)
high <- seq(midpoint, max(d), length=half)
c(low[-length(low)], midpoint, high[-1])
} else {
mabs <- max(abs(d - midpoint))
seq(midpoint-mabs, midpoint + mabs, length=length(colors))
scales::gradient_n_pal(colors, values = values)
colorbarGrob <- function(d, x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = unit(0.1,"npc"),
width=unit(0.5, "cm"), size=0.7,
margin=unit(1,"mm"), tick.length=0.2*width,
pretty.breaks = grid.pretty(range(d)),
digits = 2, show.extrema=TRUE,
palette = diverging_palette(d), n = 1e2,
point.negative=TRUE, gap =5,
## includes extreme limits of the data
legend.vals <- unique(round(sort(c(pretty.breaks, min(d), max(d))), digits))
legend.labs <- if(show.extrema)
legend.vals else unique(round(sort(pretty.breaks), digits))
## interpolate the colors
colors <- palette(seq(min(d), max(d), length=n))
## 1D strip of colors, from bottom <-> min(d) to top <-> max(d)
lg <- rasterGrob(rev(colors), # rasterGrob draws from top to bottom
y=y, interpolate=interpolate,
x=x, just=c("left", "bottom"),
width=width, height=height)
## box around color strip
bg <- rectGrob(x=x, y=y, just=c("left", "bottom"),
width=width, height=height, gp=gpar(fill="transparent"))
## positions of the tick marks
pos.y <- y + height * rescale(legend.vals)
if(!show.extrema) pos.y <- pos.y[-c(1, length(pos.y))]
## tick labels
ltg <- textGrob(legend.labs, x = x + width + margin, y=pos.y,
just=c("left", "center"))
## right tick marks
rticks <- segmentsGrob(y0=pos.y, y1=pos.y,
x0 = x + width,
x1 = x + width - tick.length,
## left tick marks
lticks <- segmentsGrob(y0=pos.y, y1=pos.y,
x0 = x ,
x1 = x + tick.length,
## position of the dots
if(any( d < 0 )){
yneg <- diff(range(c(0, d[d<0])))/diff(range(d)) * height
clipvp <- viewport(clip=TRUE, x=x, y=y, width=width, height=yneg,
just=c("left", "bottom"))
h <- convertUnit(yneg, "mm", "y", valueOnly=TRUE)
pos <- seq(0, to=h, by=gap)
## coloured dots
cg <- if(!point.negative || !any( d < 0 )) nullGrob() else
pointsGrob(x=unit(rep(0.5, length(pos)), "npc"), y = y + unit(pos, "mm") ,
pch=21, gp=gpar(col="white", fill="black"),size=unit(size*gap, "mm"), vp=clipvp)
## for more general pattern use the following
## gridExtra::patternGrob(x=unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc") , height=unit(h,"mm"),
## pattern=1,granularity=unit(2,"mm"), gp=gpar(col="black"), vp=clipvp)
gTree(children=gList(lg, lticks, rticks, ltg, bg, cg),
width = width + margin + max(stringWidth(legend.vals)), ... , cl="colorbar")
grid.colorbar <- function(...){
g <- colorbarGrob(...)
widthDetails.colorbar <- function(x){
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: для заполнения шаблона вы можете заменить pointsGrob
на gridExtra::patternGrob
(вы также можете сделать это для плиток матрицы).