У меня есть два разных GetConstructors (), один возвращает то, что должен возвращать другой, но ничего не возвращает.
ItemName is BSRPTReportPerformanceSubcontractorRating
Первый, который возвращает то, что должен, должен:
Shared Function Invoke(ByVal Page As FXWBPage, ByVal ItemName As String, ByVal intFolderID As Integer, ByVal strItemID As String, ByVal strDummy As String) As BSRPTPrint
Dim objPrint As BSRPTPrint
Dim objConstructor As System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo
Dim objType As Type
Dim strType As String = "FXWB.BSRPT" & ItemName
Dim types() As Type = {GetType(FXWBPage), GetType(Integer), GetType(String)}
Dim args() As Object = {Page, intFolderID, strItemID}
objType = Type.GetType(strType, True)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Cannot reflect type """ & strType & """. Check Request parameter ""PrintItem"", it must take the name of correspondig BSRPT class without BSRPT prefix", ex)
End Try
objConstructor = objType.GetConstructor(types)
If objConstructor Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Cannot invoke type """ & objType.ToString() & """. Check constructor parameter, it must be of FXWBPage type and not passed by ref.")
End If
objPrint = objConstructor.Invoke(args)
Catch exep As Exception
Throw New Exception("Cannot load report """ & strType & """. Error: " & exep.Message)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Error occured on data binding level. Report """ & strType & """.", ex)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Return objPrint
End Function
Второе, которое возвращает ничего:
Shared Function Invoke(ByVal Page As FXWBPage, ByVal ItemName As String, ByVal intFolderID As Integer, ByVal intProjectID As Integer, ByVal strDummy As String, ByVal intSubcontractorID As Integer) As BSRPTPrint
Dim objPrint As BSRPTPrint
Dim objConstructor As System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo
Dim objType As Type
Dim strType As String = "FXWB.BSRPT" & ItemName
Dim types() As Type = {GetType(FXWBPage), GetType(Integer), GetType(Integer), GetType(String), GetType(Integer)}
Dim args() As Object = {Page, intFolderID, intProjectID, intSubcontractorID}
objType = Type.GetType(strType, True)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Cannot reflect type """ & strType & """. Check Request parameter ""PrintItem"", it must take the name of correspondig BSRPT class without BSRPT prefix", ex)
End Try
objConstructor = objType.GetConstructor(types)
If objConstructor Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("Cannot invoke type """ & objType.ToString() & """. Check constructor parameter, it must be of FXWBPage type and not passed by ref.")
End If
objPrint = objConstructor.Invoke(args)
Catch exep As Exception
Throw New Exception("Cannot load report """ & strType & """. Error: " & exep.Message)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("Error occured on data binding level. Report """ & strType & """.", ex)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Return objPrint
End Function
Может кто-нибудь помочь мне понять, почему первый работает, а второй ничего не возвращает.