C - C ++ Embed Makefile внутри программы - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 декабря 2011

Я пытаюсь встроить этот 'Makefile' в свою программу, поэтому я понял, как, но я столкнулся с небольшой проблемой. Мой код работает, если я запрограммировал это в инструменте командной строки в xcode, но если я решил запрограммировать его как приложение, используя библиотеку SDL, компилятор не генерирует или экспортирует файлы (.o) .. и компоновщик не может их найти

Ошибка, которую я получаю: make: avr-gcc: Нет такого файла или каталога make: [main.o] Ошибка 1 *

, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши на .app и выбрав View Package Contents, исполняемый файл, который находится внутри, работает, но .app отсутствует.

и мой код:

char cmd[1040];
char cwd[1024];
char path[1024];
char path2[1024];
int status;
FILE *fp;

char *path = NULL;
    size_t sizes;
    path = getcwd(path, sizes);
    cout << path << endl;

    if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL)
        snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "make -C \"%s\" flash", path);

        // i = system(cmd);

        /* Open the command for reading. */

        fp = popen(cmd, "r");

        if (fp == NULL) {

            cout << ("Failed to run command\n" );


        /* Read the output a line at a time - output it. */ //  So we can use it later

        while (fgets(path2, sizeof(path2)-1, fp) != NULL) {

            printf("Info: %s\n", path2);

        /* close */

        status = pclose(fp);

  • Компилятор для Mac


Makefile: :

#########  AVR Project Makefile Template   #########
######                                        ######
######    Copyright (C) 2003-2005,Pat Deegan, ######
######            Psychogenic Inc             ######
######          All Rights Reserved           ######
######                                        ######
###### You are free to use this code as part  ######
###### of your own applications provided      ######
###### you keep this copyright notice intact  ######
###### and acknowledge its authorship with    ######
###### the words:                             ######
######                                        ######
###### "Contains software by Pat Deegan of    ######
###### Psychogenic Inc (www.psychogenic.com)" ######
######                                        ######
###### If you use it as part of a web site    ######
###### please include a link to our site,     ######
###### http://electrons.psychogenic.com  or   ######
###### http://www.psychogenic.com             ######
######                                        ######

##### This Makefile will make compiling Atmel AVR 
##### micro controller projects simple with Linux 
##### or other Unix workstations and the AVR-GCC 
##### tools.
##### It supports C, C++ and Assembly source files.
##### Customize the values as indicated below and :
##### make
##### make disasm 
##### make stats 
##### make hex
##### make writeflash
##### make gdbinit
##### or make clean
##### See the http://electrons.psychogenic.com/ 
##### website for detailed instructions

#####                                          #####
#####              Configuration               #####
#####                                          #####
##### Customize the values in this section for #####
##### your project. MCU, PROJECTNAME and       #####
##### PRJSRC must be setup for all projects,   #####
##### the remaining variables are only         #####
##### relevant to those needing additional     #####
##### include dirs or libraries and those      #####
##### who wish to use the avrdude programmer   #####
#####                                          #####
##### See http://electrons.psychogenic.com/    #####
##### for further details.                     #####
#####                                          #####

#####         Target Specific Details          #####
#####     Customize these for your project     #####

# Name of target controller 
# (e.g. 'at90s8515', see the available avr-gcc mmcu 
# options for possible values)

# id to use with programmer
# default: PROGRAMMER_MCU=$(MCU)
# In case the programer used, e.g avrdude, doesn't
# accept the same MCU name as avr-gcc (for example
# for ATmega8s, avr-gcc expects 'atmega8' and 
# avrdude requires 'm8')

# Name of our project
# (use a single word, e.g. 'myproject')

# Source files
# List C/C++/Assembly source files:
# (list all files to compile, e.g. 'a.c b.cpp as.S'):
# Use .cc, .cpp or .C suffix for C++ files, use .S 
# (NOT .s !!!) for assembly source code files.
PRJSRC=main.c myclass.cpp lowlevelstuff.S

# additional includes (e.g. -I/path/to/mydir)

# libraries to link in (e.g. -lmylib)

# Optimization level, 
# use s (size opt), 1, 2, 3 or 0 (off)

#####      AVR Dude 'writeflash' options       #####
#####  If you are using the avrdude program
#####  (http://www.bsdhome.com/avrdude/) to write
#####  to the MCU, you can set the following config
#####  options and use 'make writeflash' to program
#####  the device.

# programmer id--check the avrdude for complete list
# of available opts.  These should include stk500,
# avr910, avrisp, bsd, pony and more.  Set this to
# one of the valid "-c PROGRAMMER-ID" values 
# described in the avrdude info page.

# port--serial or parallel port to which your 
# hardware programmer is attached

#####                Config Done               #####
#####                                          #####
##### You shouldn't need to edit anything      #####
##### below to use the makefile but may wish   #####
##### to override a few of the flags           #####
##### nonetheless                              #####
#####                                          #####

##### Flags ####

# HEXFORMAT -- format for .hex file output

# compiler
CFLAGS=-I. $(INC) -g -mmcu=$(MCU) -O$(OPTLEVEL) \
    -fpack-struct -fshort-enums             \
    -funsigned-bitfields -funsigned-char    \
    -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes               \
    -Wa,-ahlms=$(firstword                  \
    $(filter %.lst, $(<:.c=.lst)))

# c++ specific flags
CPPFLAGS=-fno-exceptions               \
    -Wa,-ahlms=$(firstword         \
    $(filter %.lst, $(<:.cpp=.lst))\
    $(filter %.lst, $(<:.cc=.lst)) \
    $(filter %.lst, $(<:.C=.lst)))

# assembler
ASMFLAGS =-I. $(INC) -mmcu=$(MCU)        \
    -x assembler-with-cpp            \
    -Wa,-gstabs,-ahlms=$(firstword   \
        $(<:.S=.lst) $(<.s=.lst))

# linker
LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Map,$(TRG).map -mmcu=$(MCU) \
    -lm $(LIBS)

##### executables ####
REMOVE=rm -f

##### automatic target names ####


# Define all object files.

# Start by splitting source files by type
#  C++
CPPFILES=$(filter %.cpp, $(PRJSRC))
CCFILES=$(filter %.cc, $(PRJSRC))
BIGCFILES=$(filter %.C, $(PRJSRC))
#  C
CFILES=$(filter %.c, $(PRJSRC))
#  Assembly
ASMFILES=$(filter %.S, $(PRJSRC))

# List all object files we need to create
OBJDEPS=$(CFILES:.c=.o)    \
    $(BIGCFILES:.C=.o) \
    $(CCFILES:.cc=.o)  \

# Define all lst files.
LST=$(filter %.lst, $(OBJDEPS:.o=.lst))

# All the possible generated assembly 
# files (.s files)
GENASMFILES=$(filter %.s, $(OBJDEPS:.o=.s)) 

.SUFFIXES : .c .cc .cpp .C .o .out .s .S \
    .hex .ee.hex .h .hh .hpp

.PHONY: writeflash clean stats gdbinit stats

# Make targets:
# all, disasm, stats, hex, writeflash/install, clean
all: $(TRG)

disasm: $(DUMPTRG) stats

stats: $(TRG)
    $(OBJDUMP) -h $(TRG)
    $(SIZE) $(TRG) 

hex: $(HEXTRG)

writeflash: hex
     -p $(PROGRAMMER_MCU) -P $(AVRDUDE_PORT) -e        \
     -U flash:w:$(HEXROMTRG)

install: writeflash

    $(OBJDUMP) -S  $< > $@

    $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(TRG) $(OBJDEPS)

#### Generating assembly ####
# asm from C
%.s: %.c
    $(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

# asm from (hand coded) asm
%.s: %.S
    $(CC) -S $(ASMFLAGS) $< > $@

# asm from C++
.cpp.s .cc.s .C.s :
    $(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@

#### Generating object files ####
# object from C
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# object from C++ (.cc, .cpp, .C files)
.cc.o .cpp.o .C.o :
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

# object from asm
.S.o :
    $(CC) $(ASMFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

#### Generating hex files ####
# hex files from elf
#####  Generating a gdb initialisation file    #####
    $(OBJCOPY) -j .text                    \
        -j .data                       \
        -O $(HEXFORMAT) $< $@

    $(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom                  \
        --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 \
        -O $(HEXFORMAT) $< $@

#####  Generating a gdb initialisation file    #####
##### Use by launching simulavr and avr-gdb:   #####
#####   avr-gdb -x gdbinit-myproject           #####
gdbinit: $(GDBINITFILE)

    @echo "file $(TRG)" > $(GDBINITFILE)

    @echo "target remote localhost:1212" \
                        >> $(GDBINITFILE)

    @echo "load"        >> $(GDBINITFILE) 
    @echo "break main"  >> $(GDBINITFILE)
    @echo "continue"    >> $(GDBINITFILE)
    @echo "Use 'avr-gdb -x $(GDBINITFILE)'"

#### Cleanup ####
    $(REMOVE) $(TRG) $(TRG).map $(DUMPTRG)

#####                    EOF                   #####

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 23 декабря 2011

Возможный способ отладки ошибок такого рода состоит в том, чтобы каким-то образом передать дополнительные флаги make, например,

    const char *makeflags = getenv("MYMAKEFLAGS");
    if (makeflags) 
       snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "make -C \"%s\" %s flash", path, makeflags);
       snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "make -C \"%s\" flash", path);

Тогда вы (предполагая, что make - это GNU make) можете отладить вашу вещь, установив переменную окружения

    export MYMAKEFLAGS=--debug=b

И я бы использовал функцию patsubst GNU make для вычисления вашего OBJDEPS, который действительно должен быть OBJFILES, например

       $(patsubst %.cc, %.o, $(CCFILES)) \
       $(patsubst %c, %.o, $(CFILES)) 
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