Ниже приведен следующий SQL-оператор:
SELECT * FROM ViewSectorInvestments WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber
Поля в ViewSectorInvestments:
Я пытаюсь вычислить AmountInvested в каждом секторе по отношению к общим инвестициям,Таким образом, формула будет выглядеть так: AmountInvested / TotalInvestments * 100
Мой код выглядит следующим образом:
string DMConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DMConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection DMConnection = new SqlConnection(DMConnectionString);
DMConnection.ConnectionString = DMConnectionString;
string DMCommandText = "SELECT Name,RiskProfile,AccountNumber,TotalInvestments FROM ViewClientDetails WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber; SELECT * FROM ViewSectorInvestments WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber ;SELECT * FROM ViewStockTypeInvestments WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber ";
SqlCommand DMCommand = new SqlCommand(DMCommandText, DMConnection);
DMCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AccountNumber", lb_AcctNum.Text);
SqlDataReader DMReader = DMCommand.ExecuteReader();
ArrayList SectorArray = new ArrayList();
ArrayList StockTypeArray = new ArrayList();
while (DMReader.Read())
CustName.Text = DMReader["Name"].ToString();
lb_Risk.Text = DMReader["RiskProfile"].ToString();
T_Investment.Text = DMReader.GetDecimal(DMReader.GetOrdinal("TotalInvestments")).ToString("N2");
Client_RiskProfile.Text = DMReader["RiskProfile"].ToString();
//encounter error when i add the datas into arraylist.
//System.IndexOutOfRangeException: SectorName
foreach( Object objReader in SectorArray){
//compute the percentage of amount invested in each sector
//check if the percentage is more than 25%
//if it is more than 25% lbMsg (an label) shows the name of the sector.
Когда я проверяю оператор SQL:
SELECT * FROM ViewSectorInvestments WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber
В результате я получил:
AccountNumber SectorName AmountInvested
1001 Commerce 97230.00000
1001 Construction 389350.00000
1001 Finance 222830.00000
1001 Hotel 14910.00000
1001 Loans 105070.00000
1001 Manufacturing 1232210.00000
1001 Mining/Quarrying 32700.00000
Я столкнулся с System.IndexOutOfRangeException: SectorName.Что не так с моим кодом?Пожалуйста, посоветуйте мне.Заранее спасибо.