EDIT: это охватывает наследование атрибутов от интерфейсов на элементах (включая свойства). Есть простые ответы выше для определений типов. Я только что опубликовал это, потому что посчитал это раздражающим ограничением и хотел поделиться решением:)
Интерфейсы имеют множественное наследование и ведут себя как наследование в системе типов. Нет веских причин для такого рода вещей. Отражение немного обманчиво. Я добавил комментарии, чтобы объяснить глупость.
(Это .NET 3.5, потому что это именно то, что используется в проекте, которым я сейчас занимаюсь.)
// in later .NETs, you can cache reflection extensions using a static generic class and
// a ConcurrentDictionary. E.g.
//public static class Attributes<T> where T : Attribute
// private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<MemberInfo, IReadOnlyCollection<T>> _cache =
// new ConcurrentDictionary<MemberInfo, IReadOnlyCollection<T>>();
// public static IReadOnlyCollection<T> Get(MemberInfo member)
// {
// return _cache.GetOrAdd(member, GetImpl, Enumerable.Empty<T>().ToArray());
// }
// //GetImpl as per code below except that recursive steps re-enter via the cache
public static List<T> GetAttributes<T>(this MemberInfo member) where T : Attribute
// determine whether to inherit based on the AttributeUsage
// you could add a bool parameter if you like but I think it defeats the purpose of the usage
var usage = typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute), true)
var inherit = usage != null && usage.Inherited;
return (
? GetAttributesRecurse<T>(member)
: member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (T), false).Cast<T>()
.Distinct() // interfaces mean duplicates are a thing
// note: attribute equivalence needs to be overridden. The default is not great.
private static IEnumerable<T> GetAttributesRecurse<T>(MemberInfo member) where T : Attribute
// must use Attribute.GetCustomAttribute rather than MemberInfo.GetCustomAttribute as the latter
// won't retrieve inherited attributes from base *classes*
foreach (T attribute in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(member, typeof (T), true))
yield return attribute;
// The most reliable target in the interface map is the property get method.
// If you have set-only properties, you'll need to handle that case. I generally just ignore that
// case because it doesn't make sense to me.
PropertyInfo property;
var target = (property = member as PropertyInfo) != null ? property.GetGetMethod() : member;
foreach (var @interface in member.DeclaringType.GetInterfaces())
// The interface map is two aligned arrays; TargetMethods and InterfaceMethods.
var map = member.DeclaringType.GetInterfaceMap(@interface);
var memberIndex = Array.IndexOf(map.TargetMethods, target); // see target above
if (memberIndex < 0) continue;
// To recurse, we still need to hit the property on the parent interface.
// Why don't we just use the get method from the start? Because GetCustomAttributes won't work.
var interfaceMethod = property != null
// name of property get method is get_<property name>
// so name of parent property is substring(4) of that - this is reliable IME
? @interface.GetProperty(map.InterfaceMethods[memberIndex].Name.Substring(4))
: (MemberInfo) map.InterfaceMethods[memberIndex];
// Continuation is the word to google if you don't understand this
foreach (var attribute in interfaceMethod.GetAttributes<T>())
yield return attribute;
Тест Barebones NUnit
public class GetAttributesTest
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
private sealed class A : Attribute
// default equality for Attributes is apparently semantic
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return ReferenceEquals(this, obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return base.GetHashCode();
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
private sealed class ANotInherited : Attribute { }
public interface Top
[A, ANotInherited]
void M();
[A, ANotInherited]
int P { get; }
public interface Middle : Top { }
private abstract class Base
[A, ANotInherited]
public abstract void M();
[A, ANotInherited]
public abstract int P { get; }
private class Bottom : Base, Middle
[A, ANotInherited]
public override void M()
throw new NotImplementedException();
[A, ANotInherited]
public override int P { get { return 42; } }
public void GetsAllInheritedAttributesOnMethods()
var attributes = typeof (Bottom).GetMethod("M").GetAttributes<A>();
.HaveCount(3, "there are 3 inherited copies in the class heirarchy and A is inherited");
public void DoesntGetNonInheritedAttributesOnMethods()
var attributes = typeof (Bottom).GetMethod("M").GetAttributes<ANotInherited>();
.HaveCount(1, "it shouldn't get copies of the attribute from base classes for a non-inherited attribute");
public void GetsAllInheritedAttributesOnProperties()
var attributes = typeof(Bottom).GetProperty("P").GetAttributes<A>();
.HaveCount(3, "there are 3 inherited copies in the class heirarchy and A is inherited");
public void DoesntGetNonInheritedAttributesOnProperties()
var attributes = typeof(Bottom).GetProperty("P").GetAttributes<ANotInherited>();
.HaveCount(1, "it shouldn't get copies of the attribute from base classes for a non-inherited attribute");