Вот вариант функции @Mark Walters , которая добавляет возможность указать нижнюю границу для вашей последовательности, например, если вы знаете, что ваша последовательность всегда должна начинаться с 0189455
, или с какого-то другого числа.как 1
Также можно настроить этот код для проверки верхней границы, но в данный момент он может искать только нижние границы.
//Our first example array.
var numArray = [0189459, 0189460, 0189461, 0189463, 0189465];
//For this array the lowerBoundary will be 0189455
var numArrayLowerBoundary = 0189455;
//Our second example array.
var simpleArray = [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13];
//For this Array the lower boundary will be 1
var simpleArrayLowerBoundary = 1;
//Build a html string so we can show our results nicely in a div
var html = "numArray = [0189459, 0189460, 0189461, 0189463, 0189465]<br>"
html += "Its lowerBoundary is \"0189455\"<br>"
html += "The following numbers are missing from the numArray:<br>"
html += findMissingNumbers(numArray, numArrayLowerBoundary);
html += "<br><br>"
html += "simpleArray = [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13]<br>"
html += "Its lowerBoundary is \"1\".<br>"
html += "The following numbers are missing from the simpleArray:<br>"
html += findMissingNumbers(simpleArray, simpleArrayLowerBoundary);
//Display the results in a div
//This is the function used to find missing numbers!
//Copy/paste this if you just want the function and don't need the demo code.
function findMissingNumbers(arrSequence, lowerBoundary) {
var mia = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrSequence.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
//If the first thing in the array isn't exactly
//equal to the lowerBoundary...
if (arrSequence[i] !== lowerBoundary) {
//Count up from lowerBoundary, incrementing 1
//each time, until we reach the
//value one less than the first thing in the array.
var x = arrSequence[i];
var j = lowerBoundary;
while (j < x) {
mia.push(j); //Add each "missing" number to the array
} //end if
} else {
//If the difference between two array indexes is not
//exactly 1 there are one or more numbers missing from this sequence.
if (arrSequence[i] - arrSequence[i - 1] !== 1) {
//List the missing numbers by adding 1 to the value
//of the previous array index x times.
//x is the size of the "gap" i.e. the number of missing numbers
//in this sequence.
var x = arrSequence[i] - arrSequence[i - 1];
var j = 1;
while (j < x) {
mia.push(arrSequence[i - 1] + j); //Add each "missing" num to the array
} //end if
} //end else
} //end for
//Returns any missing numbers, assuming that lowerBoundary is the
//intended first number in the sequence.
return mia;
<div id="log"></div> <!-- Just used to display the demo code -->