Вам нужно поместить кавычки вокруг полей с пробелами.
Как это
C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents>type test.csv
1,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
2,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
3,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
4,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
C:\Documents and Settings\james\My Documents>sqlite3 test.dat
SQLite version 3.6.19
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table t1 (id integer primary key, q1, q2 );
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import test.csv t1
sqlite> select * from t1;
1,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
2,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
3,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
4,field_with_no_spaces,"'field with spaces'"
Вы получите «дополнительные» кавычки вокруг полей с пробелами. Не проблема. Важно то, что весь файл импортируется, верно?
Если вас волнуют дополнительные запросы, отключите режим csv, например,
sqlite> .mode list
sqlite> .separator ,
sqlite> select * from t1;
1,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
2,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
3,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
4,field_with_no_spaces,'field with spaces'
Помещение в кавычки данных, дает
1,What movie follows Cher and Dionne named after great singers of the past that now do infomercials?,10 Things I Hate About You,Cant Hardly Wait,*Clueless,Freeway
2,What 90s movie did critic Janet Maslin describe as : A gale-force movie with the energy to blow audiences right out of the theater?,Avalanche,Aftershocks,Armageddon,*Twister
3,What actress declined Neve Campbell's role in Scream?,*Drew Barrymore,Carla Hatley,Courteney Cox,Rose McGowan