Вы после чего-то вроде этого? В зависимости от того, как вы на самом деле создаете дерево и управляете им, вам, вероятно, захочется взглянуть на управление памятью; в примере это рудиментарно. Вы также, вероятно, захотите добавить флаг отладки для вывода.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class Variable
Variable(const std::string& name = "Un-named", bool value = false)
: name_(name)
void setValue(bool val)
value_ = val;
bool getValue() const
return value_;
const std::string& getName() const { return name_;}
void setName(const std::string& name) { name_ = name;}
std::string name_;
bool value_;
class NodeAbc
virtual bool getValue() const = 0;
virtual std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
virtual ~NodeAbc() = 0;
NodeAbc::~NodeAbc() { }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NodeAbc& rhs)
return rhs << os;
class NodeAtom : public NodeAbc
NodeAtom(const Variable* atom)
: v_(atom)
// Default copy OK for Atom.
virtual bool getValue() const { return v_->getValue();}
virtual std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os) const
return os << v_->getName();
// Not owned, so no free in destructor;
const Variable* v_;
class UnaryOpAbc
// No virtual destructor - stateless type
virtual bool eval(bool lhs) const = 0;
virtual std::string getName() const = 0;
class Not : public UnaryOpAbc
virtual bool eval(bool lhs) const { return !lhs;}
virtual std::string getName() const { return "!";}
class BinaryOpAbc
// No virtual destructor - stateless type
virtual bool eval(bool lhs, bool rhs) const = 0;
virtual std::string getName() const = 0;
class And : public BinaryOpAbc
virtual bool eval(bool lhs, bool rhs) const{ return lhs && rhs;}
virtual std::string getName() const { return "&&";}
class Or : public BinaryOpAbc
virtual bool eval(bool lhs, bool rhs) const{ return lhs || rhs;}
virtual std::string getName()const { return "||";}
struct Operators
static And and;
static Or or;
static Not not;
And Operators::and;
Or Operators::or;
Not Operators::not;
class NodeBinary : public NodeAbc
NodeBinary(NodeAbc* lhs, NodeAbc* rhs, const BinaryOpAbc& op )
: lhs_(lhs),
virtual ~NodeBinary()
delete lhs_;
delete rhs_;
virtual bool getValue() const { return op_.eval( lhs_->getValue(), rhs_->getValue());}
virtual std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os) const
return os << "(" << *lhs_ << " " << op_.getName() << " " << *rhs_<< " )";
// No copy;
NodeBinary(const NodeBinary& other);
NodeAbc* lhs_;
NodeAbc* rhs_;
const BinaryOpAbc& op_;
class NodeUnary : public NodeAbc
NodeUnary(NodeAbc* lhs, const UnaryOpAbc& op )
: lhs_(lhs),
virtual ~NodeUnary()
delete lhs_;
virtual bool getValue() const { return op_.eval( lhs_->getValue());}
virtual std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os) const
return os << op_.getName() << *lhs_;
// No copy.
NodeUnary(const NodeUnary& other);
NodeAbc* lhs_;
const UnaryOpAbc& op_;
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::vector<Variable> variables(4);
Variable* x1 = &(variables[0] = Variable("x1", true));
Variable* x2 = &(variables[1] = Variable("x2", true));
Variable* x3 = &(variables[2] = Variable("x3", true));
Variable* x4 = &(variables[3] = Variable("x4", true));
NodeAbc* x1AndX2 = new NodeBinary( new NodeAtom(x1), new NodeAtom(x2), Operators::and);
NodeAbc* notX4 = new NodeUnary( new NodeAtom(x4), Operators::not);
NodeAbc* x3OrNotX4 = new NodeBinary( new NodeAtom(x3),notX4 , Operators::or);
NodeAbc* root = new NodeBinary(x1AndX2, x3OrNotX4, Operators::or);
std::cout << * root << "\t" << root->getValue() << std::endl;
std::cout << * root << "\t" << root->getValue() << std::endl;
delete root;
return 0;