GC.KeepAlive("your Delegate instance").
you could store your delegate instance on a global variable.
посмотрите на следующий код, вы поймете, что я имел в виду
public class CallbackDemo
//Don't forget to change the calling convention accordingly
public delegate int MFS100_CodeLineDelegate(int code, int docId, string codeline);
public event MFS100_CodeLineDelegate MFS100_CodeLine;
//this is one method how you keep your delegate instance being collected by GC
private readonly MFS100_CodeLineDelegate cache;
public CallbackDemo()
cache = OnCallBack;
protected virtual int OnCallBack(int code,int docId,string codeline)
MFS100_CodeLine(code, docId, codeline);
return 0;
private static extern int mfSetEvent(int eventID, MFS100_CodeLineDelegate callsback);
private MFS100_CodeLineDelegate myDelegate;
public void CallSetEvent(int eventId)
mfSetEvent(eventId, this.cache);