PHP Простой HTML DOM Parser Умирает - PullRequest
3 голосов
/ 01 октября 2011

Я экранная страница с кучей подстраниц, использующая Simple HTML DOM Parser.По какой-то причине он хорошо разбирает первые 40 подстраниц, но когда дело доходит до номера 41, он умирает без ошибок.

Я сделал эту тестовую страницу и попытался записать все, что я делаю вмой сценарий также как некоторые из венецистов в Simple HTML DOM Parser, но я не смог найти ошибку.

У кого-нибудь есть идея, почему это происходит при разборе URL-адреса 41?Или кто-нибудь знает, что в некоторых случаях Simple HTML DOM Parser не работает?

Моя тестовая страница:

Это мой сценарий, и я использую неизмененную версию Simple HTML DOM Parser,Интересная вещь происходит в get_lections (), и у меня есть markede, где я называю Simple HTML DOM Parser.



define("AMOUNT_OF_WEEKS_IN_A_YEAR", 52);


function clean_text($text)
    $text = trim($text);
    $text = strip_tags($text);
    $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
    $text = utf8_decode($text);

    return $text;

function get_links_for_lections($weeks)
    echo "Finding links<br /><textarea style=\"width:70%;height:150px;\">";

    foreach($weeks as $week)
        // **
        // **

        echo " * Retrieving HTML...\n";
        $html = file_get_html("" . $week['week'] . $week['year']);
        echo " * HTML retrieved...\n";

        $lections_regular = $html->find('a[class="s2skemabrik s2bgbox s2withlink"]');
        $lections_changed = $html->find('a[class="s2skemabrik s2bgbox s2changed s2withlink"]');
        $lections_cancelled = $html->find('a[class="s2skemabrik s2bgbox s2cancelled s2withlink"]');
        $lections = array_merge($lections_regular, $lections_changed, $lections_cancelled);

        foreach($lections as $lection)
            $links[] = "" . $lection->href;

    echo "</textarea>
    <hr />";

    return $links;

function get_lections($links)
    // Create array to hold lections
    $lections = array();

    // Loop through links
    $num = 1;
    foreach($links as $link)
        echo $num . ". " . $link . "<br />
        <textarea style=\"width:70%;height:150px;\">";

        // Initialize lection
        $lection = array();
        $lection['status'] = LECTION_STATUS_REGULAR;
        $lection['documents'] = LECTION_DOCUMENTS_NONE;

        echo " * Retrieving HTML...\n";
        $html = file_get_html($link);
        echo " * HTML retrieved\n";

        // Loop through rows
        foreach($html->find("tr") as $row)
            echo " * New cell\n";

            // Get name of row
            $row_name = $row->find("th");
            $row_name = $row_name['0']->innertext;

            echo " - Row name: \"" . $row_name . "\"\n";

            if ($row_name == "Type:")
                echo " - Checking type...\n";

                // Row tells what type it is
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['type'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Type checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Titel:")
                echo " - Checking title...\n";

                // Row tells the title
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['title'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Title checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Hold:")
                echo " - Checking subject...\n";

                // Row tells what the subject is
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['subject'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Subject checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Lærere:")
                echo " - Checking teachers...\n";

                // Row tells who the teacher is 
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['teachers'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Teachers checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Lokaler:")
                echo " - Checking location...\n";

                // Row tells the location
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['location'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Location checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Note:")
                echo " - Checking note...\n";

                // Row contains a note
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['note'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Note checked\n";
            elseif ($row_name == "Dokumenter:")
                echo " - Checking documents...\n";

                // Row contains the documents
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->plaintext;
                $content = clean_text($content);
                if ($content)
                    // We can't get the titles of the documents as we are not logged in
                    // Instead we tell the user that there are documents available
                    $lection['documents'] = LECTION_DOCUMENTS_TRUE;

                echo " - Documents checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Lektier:")
                echo " - Checking homework...\n";

                // Row contains the homework
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->innertext;
                $lection['homework'] = clean_text($content);

                echo " - Homework checked\n";
            else if ($row_name == "Vises:")
                echo " - Checking status (part 1)...\n";

                // Row tells where the lection is shown 
                $cell = $row->find("td");
                $content = $cell['0']->plaintext;
                $content = clean_text($content);
                if (strstr($content, ","))
                    // If the above is true, the lection is NOT REGULAR
                    // Now we know that the lection is either changed or cancellde
                    // We assume it is changed
                    // Below we check if the lection is cancelled (Where $row_namme == "Status:")
                    $lection['status'] = LECTION_STATUS_CHANGED;

                echo " - Status (part 1) checked\n";

        // Add lection to array of lections
        $lections[] = $lection;

        echo " - Lection added!</textarea><br /><br />";

        $num += 1;

    return $lections;

function get_weeks($amount_of_weeks)
    $weeks = array();

    // Current week
    $week_now = date('W');
    $year_now = date('Y');

    // Demo
    $week_now = 44;

    // Last week to fetch
    $last_week = $week_now + $amount_of_weeks;

    // Add weeks to array
    for ($i = $week_now; $i <= $last_week; $i++)
        $week = array();

        if ($i > AMOUNT_OF_WEEKS_IN_A_YEAR)
            // Week is next year
            $week['week'] = $i - AMOUNT_OF_WEEKS_IN_A_YEAR;
            $week['year'] = $year_now + 1;
            // Week is in this year
            $week['week'] = $i;
            $week['year'] = $year_now;

        // Add week to weeks
        $weeks[] = $week;

    return $weeks;

$weeks = get_weeks(5);
$links = get_links_for_lections($weeks);
$lections = get_lections($links);
echo "<hr />";
echo "<hr />";

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 02 октября 2011

Я запустил это, и оно работало нормально, я поднялся до 96. Если бы мне пришлось угадывать, я бы сказал, что вы достигли максимального времени простоя.Попробуйте добавить это вверху: set_time_limit(0); В противном случае попробуйте изменить отчет об ошибках и опубликуйте сообщения об ошибках здесь.
