передайте имя языка в URL без идентификатора, сравните со столбцом vulg_name в таблице.
Предположим, у вас есть URL: http://localhost/mediabox/home/box/en
# I wont write a controller but you should know how to do that, im also writing code as if you are just focusing on getting language.
public function box( /**pass in your other uri params as needed **/ $lang_name = 'en'){
#you could load this in the constructor so you dont have to load it each time, or in autoload.php if your using it site wide.
$this->load->model('lang_model', 'langModel');
#this example shows loading the library and running the function
#this example shows putting the getLang function inside the controller itsself.
библиотека / частная функция
private functon _getLang($lang = 'en'){
#run the query to retrieve the lang based on the lang_name, returns object of lang incl id
$lang = $this->langModel->getLang($lang_name);
if (!$lang){
die('language not found');
return $lang;
модель lang
public function getLang($lang_name = 'en'){
$this->db->where('lang_name', $lang_name);
$q = $this->db->get('languages');
if ($q->mysql_num_rows > 0){
return $q->result();
return false;
у вас будет переменная, с которой связан объект, тогда вы можете просто вызвать $lang->lang_name;
или $lang->lang_id;
Сеанс хранения
#you could call this in the beginning after using an ajax `$.post();` to retrieve the ID.. the easiest route though is whats above. I use this in my REST APIs
$this->session->set_userdata('lang', $lang);