Я знаю, что отвечать на мой вопрос плохо, но он чудесным образом начал работать без изменений.Какой способ произвести мое первое впечатление, верно?
В любом случае, я обернул его в функцию R.Это будет отправлено из Gmail, но я еще не пытался отправить его из других аккаунтов.Меня больше всего интересует отправка из Outlook, так как я буду использовать это для отправки аналитических отчетов из моих скриптов.Когда я зашел на SMTP-сервер моего работодателя, он выдал ошибку «Расширение SMTP AUTH не поддерживается сервером».Я подозреваю, что мне придется решить эту проблему с моими ребятами из службы технической поддержки.
Это, вероятно, будет работать только на Windows, благодаря функциям winDialog ().Но это хорошее начало.
send.email <- function(to, from, subject,
message, attachment=NULL,
username, password,
# to: a list object of length 1. Using list("Recipient" = "recip@somewhere.net") will send the message to the address but
# the name will appear instead of the address.
# from: a list object of length 1. Same behavior as 'to'
# subject: Character(1) giving the subject line.
# message: Character(1) giving the body of the message
# attachment: Character(1) giving the location of the attachment
# username: character(1) giving the username. If missing and you are using Windows, R will prompt you for the username.
# password: character(1) giving the password. If missing and you are using Windows, R will prompt you for the password.
# server: character(1) giving the smtp server.
# confirmBeforeSend: Logical. If True, a dialog box appears seeking confirmation before sending the e-mail. This is to
# prevent me to send multiple updates to a collaborator while I am working interactively.
if (!is.list(to) | !is.list(from)) stop("'to' and 'from' must be lists")
if (length(from) > 1) stop("'from' must have length 1")
if (length(to) > 1) stop("'send.email' currently only supports one recipient e-mail address")
if (length(attachment) > 1) stop("'send.email' can currently send only one attachment")
if (length(message) > 1){
stop("'message' must be of length 1")
message <- paste(message, collapse="\\n\\n")
if (is.null(names(to))) names(to) <- to
if (is.null(names(from))) names(from) <- from
if (!is.null(attachment)) if (!file.exists(attachment)) stop(paste("'", attachment, "' does not exist!", sep=""))
if (missing(username)) username <- winDialogString("Please enter your e-mail username", "")
if (missing(password)) password <- winDialogString("Please enter your e-mail password", "")
rJython <- rJython()
rJython$exec("import smtplib")
rJython$exec("import os")
rJython$exec("from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart")
rJython$exec("from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase")
rJython$exec("from email.MIMEText import MIMEText")
rJython$exec("from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate")
rJython$exec("from email import Encoders")
rJython$exec("import email.utils")
#Email settings
paste("fromaddr = '", from, "'", sep=""),
paste("toaddrs = '", to, "'", sep=""),
"msg = MIMEMultipart()",
paste("msg.attach(MIMEText('", message, "'))", sep=""),
paste("msg['From'] = email.utils.formataddr(('", names(from), "', fromaddr))", sep=""),
paste("msg['To'] = email.utils.formataddr(('", names(to), "', toaddrs))", sep=""),
paste("msg['Subject'] = '", subject, "'", sep=""))
if (!is.null(attachment)){
mail <- c(mail,
paste("f = '", attachment, "'", sep=""),
"part=MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')",
"part.set_payload(open(f, 'rb').read())",
"part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=\"%s\"' % os.path.basename(f))",
#SMTP server credentials
mail <- c(mail,
paste("username = '", username, "'", sep=""),
paste("password = '", password, "'", sep=""),
#Set SMTP server and send email, e.g., google mail SMTP server
paste("server = smtplib.SMTP('", server, "')", sep=""),
"server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg.as_string())",
message.details <-
paste("To: ", names(to), " (", unlist(to), ")", "\n",
"From: ", names(from), " (", unlist(from), ")", "\n",
"Using server: ", server, "\n",
"Subject: ", subject, "\n",
"With Attachments: ", attachment, "\n",
"And the message:\n", message, "\n", sep="")
if (confirmBeforeSend)
SEND <- winDialog("yesnocancel", paste("Are you sure you want to send this e-mail to ", unlist(to), "?", sep=""))
else SEND <- "YES"
if (SEND %in% "YES"){
else cat("E-mail Delivery was Canceled by the User")