-- Test data
declare @T table (ProjectNumber int, DateChanged datetime, Value int)
insert into @T
select 1, '2001-01-01', 1 union all
select 1, '2001-01-02', 1 union all
select 1, '2001-01-03', 3 union all
select 1, '2001-01-04', 3 union all
select 1, '2001-01-05', 4 union all
select 2, '2001-01-01', 1 union all
select 2, '2001-01-02', 2
-- Get CurrentValue and PreviousValue with a Changed column
;with cte as
select *,
row_number() over(partition by ProjectNumber order by DateChanged) as rn
from @T
C.Value as CurrentValue,
P.Value as PreviousValue,
case C.Value when P.Value then 0 else 1 end as Changed
from cte as C
inner join cte as P
on C.ProjectNumber = P.ProjectNumber and
C.rn = P.rn + 1
-- Count the number of changes per project
;with cte as
select *,
row_number() over(partition by ProjectNumber order by DateChanged) as rn
from @T
sum(case C.Value when P.Value then 0 else 1 end) as ChangeCount
from cte as C
inner join cte as P
on C.ProjectNumber = P.ProjectNumber and
C.rn = P.rn + 1
group by C.ProjectNumber