Есть ли виджет «SelectDateTime» для форм django? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 08 июля 2011

В основном так же, как виджет SelectDate, но также с часовым компонентом.Не можете найти его в официальных документах?

1 Ответ

5 голосов
/ 08 июля 2011

Вот виджет разделения даты / времени, который я использую:

Сначала, виджет времени.Там много кода.Я копирую / вставляю здесь, так что может быть импорт, который вам не нужен.Я храню это в файле с именем «custom_form_widgets.py».

Внизу вы увидите мой класс «FriendlySplitDateTimeWidget», который вы можете использовать в своих формах.Часы могут быть основаны на 24 или 12 часовых часах.Поле даты отображается как текстовый ввод, но вы можете легко добавить свой выбор реализации всплывающего календаря JavaScript.Надеюсь, это поможет вам.

import re
from datetime import datetime

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.widgets import Widget, Select, MultiWidget, DateInput, TimeInput
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.text import truncate_words

# Attempt to match many time formats:
# Example: "12:34:56 P.M."  matches:
# ('12', '34', ':56', '56', 'P.M.', 'P', '.', 'M', '.')
# ('12', '34', ':56', '56', 'P.M.')
# Note that the colon ":" before seconds is optional, but only if seconds are omitted
time_pattern = r'(\d\d?):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))? *((a{1}|A{1}|p{1}|P{1})(\.)?(m{1}|M{1})(\.)?)?$'

RE_TIME = re.compile(time_pattern)
# The following are just more readable ways to access re.matched groups:

class SelectTimeWidget(Widget):
    A Widget that splits time input into <select> elements.
    Allows form to show as 24hr: <hour>:<minute>,
    or as 12hr: <hour>:<minute> <am|pm> 

    Also allows user-defined increments for minutes/seconds
    hour_field = '%s_hour'
    minute_field = '%s_minute'
    second_field = '%s_second'
    meridiem_field = '%s_meridiem'
    twelve_hr = False # Default to 24hr.

    def __init__(self, attrs=None, hour_step=None, minute_step=None, second_step=None, twelve_hr=False):
        hour_step, minute_step, second_step are optional step values for
        for the range of values for the associated select element
        twelve_hr: If True, forces the output to be in 12-hr format (rather than 24-hr)
        self.attrs = attrs or {}

        if twelve_hr:
            self.twelve_hr = True # Do 12hr (rather than 24hr)

        if hour_step and twelve_hr:
            self.hours = range(1, 13, hour_step)
        elif hour_step: # 24hr, with stepping.
            self.hours = range(0, 24, hour_step)
        elif twelve_hr: # 12hr, no stepping
            self.hours = range(1, 13)
        else: # 24hr, no stepping
            self.hours = range(0, 24)

        if minute_step:
            self.minutes = range(0, 60, minute_step)
            self.minutes = range(0, 60)

        if second_step:
            self.seconds = range(0, 60, second_step)
            self.seconds = range(0, 60)

    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        try: # try to get time values from a datetime.time object (value)
            hour_val, minute_val, second_val = value.hour, value.minute, value.second
            if self.twelve_hr:
                if hour_val >= 12:
                    meridiem_val = 'p.m.'
                    meridiem_val = 'a.m.'
                meridiem_val = None
        except AttributeError:
            hour_val = minute_val = second_val = meridiem_val = ''
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                match = RE_TIME.match(value)
                if match:
                    time_groups = match.groups();
                    hour_val = int(time_groups[HOURS]) % 24 # force to range(0-24)
                    minute_val = int(time_groups[MINUTES])

                    if time_groups[SECONDS] is None:
                        second_val = 0
                        second_val = int(time_groups[SECONDS])

                    # check to see if meridiem was passed in
                    if time_groups[MERIDIEM] is not None:
                        meridiem_val = time_groups[MERIDIEM]
                    else: # otherwise, set the meridiem based on the time
                        if self.twelve_hr:
                            if hour_val >= 12:
                                meridiem_val = 'p.m.'
                                meridiem_val = 'a.m.'
                            meridiem_val = None

        if self.twelve_hr:
            # Modify the hour value appopriately for 12-hour clocks.
            if hour_val > 12 and hour_val < 24:
                hour_val = hour_val % 12
            elif hour_val == 0:
                hour_val = 12

        output = []
        if 'id' in self.attrs:
            id_ = self.attrs['id']
            id_ = 'id_%s' % name

        # NOTE: for times to get displayed correctly, the values MUST be converted to unicode
        # When Select builds a list of options, it checks against Unicode values
        if hour_val != '':
            hour_val = u"%.2d" % hour_val
        if minute_val != '':
            minute_val = u"%.2d" % minute_val
        if second_val != '':
            second_val = u"%.2d" % second_val

        hour_choices = [("%.2d" % i, "%.2d" % i) for i in self.hours]
        hour_choices[0:0] = [('', '--')]
        local_attrs = self.build_attrs(id=self.hour_field % id_)
        select_html = Select(choices=hour_choices).render(self.hour_field % name, hour_val, local_attrs)

        minute_choices = [("%.2d" % i, "%.2d" % i) for i in self.minutes]
        minute_choices[0:0] = [('', '--')]
        local_attrs['id'] = self.minute_field % id_
        select_html = Select(choices=minute_choices).render(self.minute_field % name, minute_val, local_attrs)

        second_choices = [("%.2d" % i, "%.2d" % i) for i in self.seconds]
        second_choices[0:0] = [('', '--')]
        local_attrs['id'] = self.second_field % id_
        select_html = Select(choices=second_choices).render(self.second_field % name, second_val, local_attrs)

        if self.twelve_hr:
            #  If we were given an initial value, make sure the correct meridiem get's selected.
            if meridiem_val and meridiem_val.startswith('p'):
                meridiem_choices = [('p.m.', 'p.m.'), ('a.m.', 'a.m.'), ('', '--')]
                meridiem_choices = [('', '--'), ('a.m.', 'a.m.'), ('p.m.', 'p.m.')]

            local_attrs['id'] = local_attrs['id'] = self.meridiem_field % id_
            select_html = Select(choices=meridiem_choices).render(self.meridiem_field % name, meridiem_val, local_attrs)

        selects_html = u'\n'.join(output)

        return mark_safe('<div class="friendly_time_widget">%s</div>') % (selects_html)

    def id_for_label(self, id_):
        return '%s_hour' % id_
    id_for_label = classmethod(id_for_label)

    def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
        meridiem = data.get(self.meridiem_field % name)
        h = data.get(self.hour_field % name, 0) # hour
        m = data.get(self.minute_field % name, 0) # minute
        s = data.get(self.second_field % name, 0) # second

        if any(falsy in (h, m) for falsy in ('', None)):
            return None

        #NOTE: if meridiem IS None, assume 24-hr
        if meridiem is not None:
            if meridiem.lower().startswith('p') and int(h) != 12:
                h = (int(h) + 12) % 24
            elif meridiem.lower().startswith('a') and int(h) == 12:
                h = 0

        if (int(h) == 0 or h) and m and s:
            return '%s:%s:%s' % (h, m, s)

        return data.get(name, None)

#This is the widget that splits the date and time.
class FriendlySplitDateTimeWidget(MultiWidget):
    A Widget that splits datetime input into two <input type="text"> boxes
    and uses a better time selector
    date_format = DateInput.format
    time_format = TimeInput.format

    def __init__(self, attrs=None, date_format=None, time_format=None, twelve_hr=True):
        if date_format:
            self.date_format = date_format
        if time_format:
            self.time_format = time_format
        widgets = (DateInput(attrs=attrs, format=self.date_format),
        super(FriendlySplitDateTimeWidget, self).__init__(widgets, attrs)

    def decompress(self, value):
        if value:
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            return [value.date(), value.time().replace(microsecond=0)]
        return [None, None]