У меня есть вопрос linq to sql:
tmpAdList1 = (from p in context.Ads
join h in context.AdCategories on p.CategoryId equals h.Id
join l in context.Location on p.UserLocationId equals l.Id
(adList.S == null || adList.S.Length < 1 || p.Title.Contains(adList.S) || p.Description.Contains(adList.S)) &&
(categorylevelOrder.Length < 1 || h.LevelOrder.StartsWith(categorylevelOrder)) &&
((locationIdList != null && lList.Contains(l.Id)) ||
(locationLevelOrder.Length < 1 || l.LevelOrder.StartsWith(locationLevelOrder))) &&
((adTypeO1 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO2 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO3 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO4 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO5 == AdType.Unknown) ||
(p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO1 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO2 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO3 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO4 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO5)) && //Check for default filters
((AdListShowType)adList.ALS.ST == AdListShowType.Both || adList.ALS.ST == p.OwnerType) &&
(p.PublishedDate.HasValue && p.PublishedDate.Value.CompareTo(fetchAdsTo) >= 1) &&
((adOwnerType1.HasValue && adOwnerType2.HasValue) || p.OwnerType == (int)adOwnerType1.Value) &&
p.InactivatedDate == null
orderby p.CreatedDate descending
select p).ToList();
См. Edit1 для полного метода
После того, как этот вопрос задан, будет проведена дополнительная фильтрация (в контексте), но чтобы сделать это как можно быстрее, я стремлюсь получить как можно меньше записей с сервера SQL в первом вопросе.
Проблема в том, что мне нужно сравнить locationIdList, который является int [], с сущностью. Исключение:
Невозможно сравнить элементы типа 'System.Int32 []'. Поддерживаются только примитивные типы (такие как Int32, String и Guid) и типы сущностей.
У меня проблема с Google, и это известная проблема, однако я нашел примеры вроде этого:
var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 5 };
var result = from s in DB.Something
where list.Contains(s.Id)
select s;
Но это же исключение? Я также прочитал, что хранимая процедура может решить проблему, но я не нашел, как это работает?
Есть предложения?
Edit1: Весь метод:
public List<Ad> GetAds(AdList adList, DateTime fetchAdsTo, out int totalAds)
AdType adTypeO1 = AdType.Unknown;
AdType adTypeO2 = AdType.Unknown;
AdType adTypeO3 = AdType.Unknown;
AdType adTypeO4 = AdType.Unknown;
AdType adTypeO5 = AdType.Unknown;
int? adOwnerType1 = null;
int? adOwnerType2 = null;
FilterModel filterModel = new FilterModel();
List<AdCategoryFilter> adCategoryFilterList;
AdsFilterValues adsFilterValues;
List<AdsFilterValueWrapper> seartchFilterValueList;
AdsFilterValueWrapper seartchFilterValue = null;
List<Ad> tmpAdList1;
List<Ad> tmpAdList2 = new List<Ad>();
int locationId = -1;
int[] locationIdList = null;
string locationLevelOrder = string.Empty;
int categoryId = -1;
string categorylevelOrder = string.Empty;
AdCategoryFilter adCategoryFilter;
AdListCompare adListCompare;
Boolean firstDropDownMatch = false;
Boolean secondDropDownMatch = false;
totalAds = 0;
int machedFilterCount;
categoryId = AdHandler.Instance.ExtractCategoryId(adList.CS);
//If there is multiple choises
//This is the last level, that means that we can check against the ID dircly
if (adList.LS.L3.Count > 0)
locationIdList = adList.LS.L3.ToArray();
locationId = AdHandler.Instance.ExtractLocationId(adList.LS);
switch ((AdOwnerType)adList.ALS.ST)
case AdOwnerType.Both:
adOwnerType1 = (int)AdOwnerType.Private;
adOwnerType2 = (int)AdOwnerType.Company;
case AdOwnerType.Company:
adOwnerType1 = (int)AdOwnerType.Company;
case AdOwnerType.Private:
adOwnerType1 = (int)AdOwnerType.Private;
#region GetFilters
adCategoryFilterList = filterModel.GetCategoryFilterByCategory(categoryId);
seartchFilterValueList = FilterHandler.Instance.ConvertAdFilterToModel(adList.F, adCategoryFilterList, FilterType.Display);
#region Set Default filters (Buy, Let, Sell, Swap, WishRent)
foreach (AdsFilterValueWrapper filterWrapper in seartchFilterValueList)
if ((adCategoryFilter = adCategoryFilterList.Where(c => c.Id == filterWrapper.FilterId).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
switch ((PublicAdFilterKey)adCategoryFilter.PublicAdFilterKey)
case PublicAdFilterKey.Buy:
if (filterWrapper.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber > 0)
adTypeO1 = AdType.Buy;
case PublicAdFilterKey.Let:
if (filterWrapper.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber > 0)
adTypeO2 = AdType.Let;
case PublicAdFilterKey.Sell:
if (filterWrapper.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber > 0)
adTypeO3 = AdType.Sell;
case PublicAdFilterKey.Swap:
if (filterWrapper.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber > 0)
adTypeO4 = AdType.Swap;
case PublicAdFilterKey.WishRent:
if (filterWrapper.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber > 0)
adTypeO5 = AdType.WishRent;
#region Remove default filters fom filterList
adCategoryFilterList = adCategoryFilterList.Where(c => ((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Buy &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Let &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Sell &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Swap &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.WishRent).ToList();
var lList = adList.LS.L3.ToList<int>(); //new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 5 };
using (BissEntities context = new BissEntities())
if (categoryId > 0)
categorylevelOrder = context.AdCategories.Where(c => c.Id.Equals(categoryId)).FirstOrDefault().LevelOrder.Trim();
if (locationId > 0)
locationLevelOrder = context.Location.Where(c => c.Id.Equals(locationId)).FirstOrDefault().LevelOrder.Trim();
tmpAdList1 = (from p in context.Ads
join h in context.AdCategories on p.CategoryId equals h.Id
join l in context.Location on p.UserLocationId equals l.Id
(adList.S == null || adList.S.Length < 1 || p.Title.Contains(adList.S) || p.Description.Contains(adList.S)) &&
(categorylevelOrder.Length < 1 || h.LevelOrder.StartsWith(categorylevelOrder)) &&
((locationIdList != null && lList.Contains(l.Id)) ||
(locationLevelOrder.Length < 1 || l.LevelOrder.StartsWith(locationLevelOrder))) &&
((adTypeO1 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO2 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO3 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO4 == AdType.Unknown && adTypeO5 == AdType.Unknown) ||
(p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO1 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO2 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO3 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO4 || p.TypeOfAd == (int)adTypeO5)) && //Check for default filters
((AdListShowType)adList.ALS.ST == AdListShowType.Both || adList.ALS.ST == p.OwnerType) &&
(p.PublishedDate.HasValue && p.PublishedDate.Value.CompareTo(fetchAdsTo) >= 1) &&
((adOwnerType1.HasValue && adOwnerType2.HasValue) || p.OwnerType == (int)adOwnerType1.Value) &&
p.InactivatedDate == null
orderby p.CreatedDate descending
select p).ToList();
#region Filter collection
foreach (Ad ad in tmpAdList1)
machedFilterCount = 0;
adListCompare = AdListCompare.NotCompered;
if (adCategoryFilterList.Count > 0)
//Loop the filters that belongs to the choosen category
foreach (AdCategoryFilter existingFilter in adCategoryFilterList)
//Se if the ad has the proper filter If not return it
if ((adsFilterValues = ad.AdsFilterValues.Where(c => c.CategoryFilterId == existingFilter.Id).FirstOrDefault()) != null || existingFilter.PublicAdFilterKey > 0)
//If the filter is not a regular value filter but a filter pointed to a property on the ad
//Then extract the correct value and use it
if (existingFilter.PublicAdFilterKey > 0)
adsFilterValues = new AdsFilterValues();
adsFilterValues.CategoryFilterId = existingFilter.Id;
switch ((PublicAdFilterKey)existingFilter.PublicAdFilterKey)
case PublicAdFilterKey.Price:
adsFilterValues.ValueNumber = ad.Price;
if ((seartchFilterValue = seartchFilterValueList.Where(c => c.AdsFilterValues1.CategoryFilterId == adsFilterValues.CategoryFilterId).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
firstDropDownMatch = false;
secondDropDownMatch = false;
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Compared;
switch ((FilterControlType)existingFilter.DisplayFilterControlType)
case FilterControlType.TwoDropDown:
//Check so the first dropdown value compare
//If the index is the first then any value will do
if (seartchFilterValue.FilterIndexPosition1 == FilterIndexPosition.First)
firstDropDownMatch = true;
if (adsFilterValues.ValueNumber.Value >= seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber.Value)
firstDropDownMatch = true;
if (firstDropDownMatch)
//Check so the second dropdown value compare
//If the index is the last then any value will do
if (seartchFilterValue.FilterIndexPosition2 == FilterIndexPosition.Last)
secondDropDownMatch = true;
if (adsFilterValues.ValueNumber.Value <= seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues2.ValueNumber.Value)
secondDropDownMatch = true;
if (secondDropDownMatch)
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Approved;
case FilterControlType.DropDown:
//Check so the first dropdown value compare
//If the index is the first then any value will do
if (seartchFilterValue.FilterIndexPosition1 == FilterIndexPosition.First)
if (adsFilterValues.ValueNumber.Value <= seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber.Value)
firstDropDownMatch = true;
if (seartchFilterValue.FilterIndexPosition1 == FilterIndexPosition.Last)
if (adsFilterValues.ValueNumber.Value >= seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber.Value)
firstDropDownMatch = true;
if (adsFilterValues.ValueNumber.Value == seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber.Value)
firstDropDownMatch = true;
if (firstDropDownMatch)
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Approved;
case FilterControlType.TextBox:
if (adsFilterValues.ValueString.Equals(seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues1.ValueString))
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Approved;
case FilterControlType.CheckBox:
if (adsFilterValues.ValueNumber != null && adsFilterValues.ValueNumber.Value == seartchFilterValue.AdsFilterValues1.ValueNumber.Value)
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Approved;
adListCompare = AdListCompare.NotCompered;
//If no value is set, then break;
if (adListCompare != AdListCompare.Approved)
//If the ad is missing the filter then return it anyway, it might as well be correct
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Approved;
machedFilterCount = adCategoryFilterList.Count();
adListCompare = AdListCompare.Approved;
machedFilterCount = adCategoryFilterList.Count();
if (adListCompare == AdListCompare.Approved && machedFilterCount == adCategoryFilterList.Count())
if (adList.ALS.OB == (int)AdListOrderBy.Price)
tmpAdList2 = tmpAdList2.OrderBy(c => c.Price).ToList();
totalAds = tmpAdList2.Count();
return tmpAdList2.Skip((adList.ALS.P - 1) * adList.ALS.CP).Take(adList.ALS.CP).ToList();
Редактировать 2: обновить
Основной GetAd Метод:
public List<Ad> GetAds(AdList adList, DateTime fetchAdsTo, out int totalAds)
LocationModel locationModel = new LocationModel();
FilterModel filterModel = new FilterModel();
List<AdCategoryFilter> adCategoryFilterList;
List<AdsFilterValueWrapper> seartchFilterValueList;
int categoryId = -1;
List<Ad> outputList;
totalAds = 0;
#region Fetch the first ads by location
outputList = GetAdsByLocations(locationModel.GetLocationOrderList(adList.GetLocationIds()), fetchAdsTo, false);
if(outputList.Count < 1)
return outputList;
#region GetFilters
categoryId = AdHandler.Instance.ExtractCategoryId(adList.CS);
adCategoryFilterList = filterModel.GetCategoryFilterByCategory(categoryId);
seartchFilterValueList = FilterHandler.Instance.ConvertAdFilterToModel(adList.F, adCategoryFilterList, FilterType.Display);
#region Filter Default filters (Buy, Let, Sell, Swap, WishRent)
FilterDefaultCustomFilters(outputList, adCategoryFilterList, seartchFilterValueList);
if (outputList.Count == 0)
return outputList;
#region Remove default filters fom filterList
adCategoryFilterList = adCategoryFilterList.Where(c => ((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Buy &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Let &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Sell &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.Swap &&
((PublicAdFilterKey)c.PublicAdFilterKey) != PublicAdFilterKey.WishRent).ToList();
#region Filter Custom filters
this.FilterCustomFilters(outputList, adCategoryFilterList, seartchFilterValueList);
#region Order
switch ((AdListOrderBy)adList.ALS.OB)
case AdListOrderBy.Price:
outputList = outputList.OrderBy(c => c.Price).ToList(); break;
case AdListOrderBy.Latest:
outputList = outputList.OrderByDescending(c => c.PublishedDate).ToList(); break;
#region Total Ad Count
totalAds = outputList.Count();
#region Paging
outputList = outputList.Skip((adList.ALS.P - 1) * adList.ALS.CP).Take(adList.ALS.CP).ToList();
return outputList;
public List<Ad> GetAdsByLocations(string[] locationLevelOrderList, DateTime? fetchAdsTo, Boolean inactive) //, List<Ad> adList = null)
List<Ad> output;
using (BissEntities context = new BissEntities())
if (fetchAdsTo.HasValue)
if (locationLevelOrderList.Count() == 0)
output = (from a in context.Ads
join l in context.Location on a.UserLocationId equals l.Id
where a.InactivatedDate.HasValue == inactive &&
(a.PublishedDate.HasValue && a.PublishedDate.Value.CompareTo(fetchAdsTo.Value) >= 1)
select a).ToList();
output = (from a in context.Ads
join l in context.Location on a.UserLocationId equals l.Id
where a.InactivatedDate.HasValue == inactive &&
(a.PublishedDate.HasValue && a.PublishedDate.Value.CompareTo(fetchAdsTo.Value) >= 1) &&
(locationLevelOrderList.Where(c => l.LevelOrder.StartsWith(c)).FirstOrDefault() != null)
select a).ToList();
if (locationLevelOrderList.Count() == 0)
output = (from a in context.Ads
join l in context.Location on a.UserLocationId equals l.Id
where a.InactivatedDate.HasValue == inactive
select a).ToList();
output = (from a in context.Ads
join l in context.Location on a.UserLocationId equals l.Id
where a.InactivatedDate.HasValue == inactive &&
(locationLevelOrderList.Count() == 0 || locationLevelOrderList.Where(c => l.LevelOrder.StartsWith(c)).FirstOrDefault() != null)
select a).ToList();
return output;
Примечание: Методы в главном GetAd, начинающемся с Filter in name, будут работать только с коллекцией (без действий базы данных)