Использовать переменную напрямую (возврат данных в массиве одинаков) или с указателем? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 03 июня 2011

У меня было два стада птичьего датчика, и я имею в виду пример кода № 8 в руководстве, код с ++ работает для меня.

Но я получаю только один датчик данных из проекта c sharp. Проблема в том, что в примере C # bird_data [1] и bird_data [2], по-видимому, имеют одинаковые данные позиции. В примере C ++ и bird_data [1], и bird_data [2] имеют правильные данные. Я получаю одинаковые выходные данные позиции из кода ниже.

вывод текста в LBird1X - тот же LBird2X, LBird1Y - тот же LBird2Y, а LBird1Z - тот же LBird2Z.

Может ли это быть связано с отсутствием наведения? Или я сделал что-то не так в импорте данных структуры bird.dll?

C ++ код:

do // Until Keypress
  if(birdFrameReady(GROUP_ID)) // Check if there's data available 
    birdGetMostRecentFrame(GROUP_ID,&frame);//Get data from bird BIRDREADING *bird_data; // Transfers data into structure
    BIRDREADING *bird_data;
    for(int i=1; i<DEVCOUNT+1; i++ ) // Loop to get data from birds
      // Change pointer to index of first bird (1)
      bird_data = &frame.reading[i]; // Convert data into inches and degrees and scale
      pos[0] = bird_data->position.nX * 36 / 32767.;
      pos[1] = bird_data->position.nY * 36 / 32767.;
      pos[2] = bird_data->position.nZ * 36 / 32767.;
      ang[0] = bird_data->angles.nAzimuth * 180. / 32767.;
      ang[1] = bird_data->angles.nElevation * 180. / 32767.;
      ang[2] = bird_data->angles.nRoll * 180. / 32767.;
      // print data
      printf("%i> %+6.1f %+6.1f %+6.1f ", i,pos[0], pos[1],pos[2]);
      //  printf("%+6.1f %+6.1f %+6.1f \n",ang[0], ang[1], ang[2]);
    } // end move data from structure to screen loop
  } // end if frame ready loop
} while(!kbhit()); // loop until any key is pressed

С резким, которые имеют те же данные

if (birdFrameReady(GROUP_ID))
            birdGetMostRecentFrame(GROUP_ID, ref frame);

           BIRDREADING bird_data = new BIRDREADING();

            bird_data = frame.readings[i];

            for (i = 1; i < DEVCOUNT + 1; i++)

                bird_data = frame.readings[i];
                string x, y, z;
                x = (bird_data.position.nX * 36 / 32767.0).ToString();
                y = (bird_data.position.nY * 36 / 32767.0).ToString();
                z = (bird_data.position.nZ * 36 / 32767.0).ToString();
                switch (i)

                    case 1:
                        LBird1X.Text = i.ToString() + ":  " + x;
                        LBird1Y.Text = i.ToString() + ":  " + y;
                        LBird1Z.Text = i.ToString() + ":  " + z;
                    case 2:
                        LBird2X.Text = i.ToString() + ":  " + x;
                        LBird2Y.Text = i.ToString() + ":  " + y;
                        LBird2Z.Text = i.ToString() + ":  " + z;
                        LBird2X.Text = "error";
                        LBird2Y.Text = "error";
                        LBird2Z.Text = "error";


C ++ Struct

#pragma pack(1) // pack the following structures on one-byte boundaries

// Bird position structure
typedef struct tagBIRDPOSITION
    short   nX;         // x-coordinate
    short   nY;         // y-coordinate
    short   nZ;         // z-coordinate

// Bird angles structure
typedef struct tagBIRDANGLES
    short   nAzimuth;   // azimuth angle
    short   nElevation; // elevation angle
    short   nRoll;      // roll angle

// Bird matrix structure
typedef struct tagBIRDMATRIX
    short   n[3][3];    // array of matrix elements

// Bird quaternion structure
typedef struct tagBIRDQUATERNION
    short   nQ0;        // q0
    short   nQ1;        // q1
    short   nQ2;        // q2
    short   nQ3;        // q3

#pragma pack()  // resume normal packing of structures

// Bird reading structure
typedef struct tagBIRDREADING
    BIRDPOSITION    position;   // position of receiver
    BIRDANGLES      angles;     // orientation of receiver, as angles
    BIRDMATRIX      matrix;     // orientation of receiver, as matrix
    BIRDQUATERNION  quaternion; // orientation of receiver, as quaternion
    WORD            wButtons;   // button states

// Bird frame structure
// NOTE: In stand-alone mode, the bird reading is stored in reading[0], and
//  all other array elements are unused.  In master/slave mode, the "reading"
//  array is indexed by bird number - for example, bird #1 is at reading[1],
//  bird #2 is at reading[2], etc., and reading[0] is unused.
typedef struct tagBIRDFRAME
    DWORD           dwTime;     // time at which readings were taken, in msecs
    BIRDREADING     reading[BIRD_MAX_DEVICE_NUM + 1];  // reading from each bird

// Bird system configuration structure
// NOTE: In TCP/IP mode, the following fields are NOT used:
//  byXtalSpeed
// NOTE: In RS232 and ISA modes, the following fields are NOT used:
//  byNumServers
//  byChassisNum
//  byNumChassisDevices
//  byFirstDeviceNum

C Sharp Stuct

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct BIRDPOSITION
    public short nX;            // x-coordinate
    public short nY;            // y-coordinate
    public short nZ;            // z-coordinate

// Bird angles structure
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct BIRDANGLES
    public short nAzimuth;  // azimuth angle
    public short nElevation;    // elevation angle
    public short nRoll;     // roll angle

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct BIRDMATRIX
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 9)]
    public short[,] n;


[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct BIRDQUATERNION
    public short nQ0;       // q0
    public short nQ1;       // q1
    public short nQ2;       // q2
    public short nQ3;       // q3

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
public struct BIRDREADING
    public BIRDPOSITION position;   // position of receiver
    public BIRDANGLES angles;       // orientation of receiver, as angles
    public BIRDMATRIX matrix;       // orientation of receiver, as matrix
    public BIRDQUATERNION quaternion; // orientation of receiver, as quaternion
    public ushort wButtons; // button states

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
public struct BIRDFRAME
    public uint dwTime;     // time at which readings were taken, in msecs
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 127)]
    public BIRDREADING[] readings; // reading from each bird

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 03 июня 2011

Попробуйте использовать StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)

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