Впервые на оверлеях карты, но это действительно странная проблема.
Я передаю mapView.visibleMapRect моей реализации оверлея и возвращаю это как boundingMapRect, что сейчас хорошо - просто пытаюсь нарисовать линию на всем прямоугольнике карты.
Мой drawMapRectвызывается, и в следующем коде - частично прозрачный зеленый прямоугольник рисуется, но линии нет.Я проверил код рисования линий в drawRect подкласса uiview, так что я знаю, что он что-то рисует: -)
Я уверен, что я упускаю что-то простое, но я не вижу этого: -)
Меня бросает в глаза то, что visibleMapRect при преобразовании в CGRect имеет очень странные координаты - они совсем не похожи на экранные координаты - что кажется источником проблемы для меня.me.
Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью:
drawMapRect вызывается несколько раз, я присоединяю вывод ниже.
Спасибо, Боб
Код установки ViewController:
CLLocationCoordinate2D center;
center.latitude = 29.46;
center.longitude = -98.30;
MKCoordinateRegion region;
MKCoordinateSpan span;
span.latitudeDelta = 0.2;
span.longitudeDelta = 0.2;
region.center = center;
region.span = span;
self.mapView.region = region;
MyOverlay *myoverlay = [[MyOverlay alloc] initWithCoordinate: center andBoundingRect: self.mapView.visibleMapRect];
[self.mapView addOverlay:myoverlay];
Код MyOverlay:
@implementation MyOverlay
@synthesize coordinate;
@synthesize boundingMapRect;
- (id) initWithCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) coord andBoundingRect: (MKMapRect) bRect {
if ((self = [super init])) {
//customize here
coordinate = coord;
boundingMapRect = bRect;
return self;
Код чертежа MyOverlayView
- (void)drawMapRect:(MKMapRect)mapRect zoomScale:(MKZoomScale)zoomScale inContext:(CGContextRef)context {
CGRect theRect = [self rectForMapRect:mapRect];
NSLog(@"in drawMapRect ...theRect is %f, %f, size of %f x %f", theRect.origin.x, theRect.origin.y, theRect.size.width, theRect.size.height);
CGContextSetAlpha(context, 1.0);
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blueColor].CGColor);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, theRect.origin.x, theRect.origin.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, theRect.size.width, theRect.size.width);
CGContextSetAlpha(context, .25);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor greenColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, theRect);
2011-05-16 11:25:18.037 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 61440.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.038 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.042 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.044 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.046 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.048 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 61440.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.052 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.054 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.056 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.057 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.059 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 61440.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.061 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 61440.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.063 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.064 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.066 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.068 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.070 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 585728.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.072 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 585728.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.074 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.075 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, 37888.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.082 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 61440.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.082 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 585728.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.085 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 61440.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.087 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.089 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, -224256.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.099 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 585728.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.102 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, 300032.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.106 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 323584.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.109 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.111 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -200704.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.116 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 585728.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.119 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is 585728.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.124 coolOverlayTest[71661:7903] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000
2011-05-16 11:25:18.126 coolOverlayTest[71661:760b] in drawMapRect ...theRect is -462848.000000, -486400.000000, size of 262144.000000 x 262144.000000