это пример рисования спирали с использованием функции ниже:
spiral(ctx, {
start: {//starting point of spiral
x: 200,
y: 200
angle: 30 * (Math.PI / 180), //angle from starting point
direction: false,
radius: 100, //radius from starting point in direction of angle
number: 3 // number of circles
код спирального чертежа:
spiral = function(ctx,obj) {
var center, eAngle, increment, newX, newY, progress, sAngle, tempTheta, theta;
sAngle = Math.PI + obj.angle;
eAngle = sAngle + Math.PI * 2 * obj.number;
center = {
x: obj.start.x + Math.cos(obj.angle) * obj.radius,
y: obj.start.y + Math.sin(obj.angle) * obj.radius
increment = 2 * Math.PI / 60/*steps per rotation*/;
theta = sAngle;
ctx.moveTo(center.x, center.y);
while (theta <= eAngle + increment) {
progress = (theta - sAngle) / (eAngle - sAngle);
tempTheta = obj.direction ? theta : -1 * (theta - 2 * obj.angle);
newX = obj.radius * Math.cos(tempTheta) * progress;
newY = obj.radius * Math.sin(tempTheta) * progress;
theta += increment;
ctx.lineTo(center.x + newX, center.y + newY);