Я изменил этот рецепт , прежде чем сделать какую-то работу с изображениями в Python. Он использует Tkinter
, поэтому не требует никаких модулей, кроме PIL.
'''This will simply go through each file in the current directory and
try to display it. If the file is not an image then it will be skipped.
Click on the image display window to go to the next image.
Noah Spurrier 2007'''
import os, sys
import Tkinter
import Image, ImageTk
def button_click_exit_mainloop (event):
event.widget.quit() # this will cause mainloop to unblock.
root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.bind("<Button>", button_click_exit_mainloop)
root.geometry('+%d+%d' % (100,100))
dirlist = os.listdir('.')
old_label_image = None
for f in dirlist:
image1 = Image.open(f)
root.geometry('%dx%d' % (image1.size[0],image1.size[1]))
tkpi = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image1)
label_image = Tkinter.Label(root, image=tkpi)
if old_label_image is not None:
old_label_image = label_image
root.mainloop() # wait until user clicks the window
except Exception, e:
# This is used to skip anything not an image.
# Warning, this will hide other errors as well.