У меня странная проблема. Я создал процедуру в PHP, которая делает эти вещи:
- Чтение данных (9.000 строк) из таблицы MySQL
- Записывает строку в другую таблицу
- Создать папку в Alfresco на основе поля в строке
У меня странная проблема (только на одной установке Alfresco, на других у меня проблемы нет), после первых 2-3 строк пароль пользователя admin удаляется из Alfresco (если вы посмотрите БД, вы не можете найти его), и поэтому процедура останавливается. Я использую Alfresco Community 3.2.
Вот код PHP процедуры:
$username = "***";
$password = "****;";
$hostname = "localhost";
//connection to the database
$dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");
echo "Connected to MySQL<br>";
$selected = mysql_select_db("lbs_8",$dbhandle)
or die("Could not select examples");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as quanti FROM ast_tabellaTemporaneaNdg");
if (!$result) {
die('ERRORE: ' . mysql_error());
$totaleTabella = mysql_result($result, 0);
echo("La tabella ast_tabellaTemporaneaNdg contiene [$totaleTabella] records<br>");
echo("Conto il numero di record della vista di transcodifica<br>");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as quanti FROM vista_ndg_normalizzati");
if (!$result) {
die('ERRORE: ' . mysql_error());
$totaleVista = mysql_result($result, 0);
echo("La vista vista_ndg_normalizzati contiene [$totaleVista] records<br>");
if ($totaleTabella == $totaleVista){
echo("Tutte le righe della tabella ast_tabellaTemporaneaNdg sono transcodificate correttamente<br>");
echo("Saranno quindi importati [$totaleTabella] records<br>");
echo("Non tutte le righe della tabella ast_tabellaTemporaneaNdg sono transcodificate correttamente<br>");
echo("nella tabella ast_tabellaTemporaneaNdg sono presenti [$totaleTabella] records, di questi solo [$totaleVista] transcodificano correttamente<br>");
$handle = fopen("ndgNonImportabili.txt", "w");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT ndg FROM ast_tabellaTemporaneaNdg WHERE ndg NOT IN (SELECT ndg from vista_ndg_normalizzati)");
if (!$result) {
die('ERRORE: ' . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$ndg = "NDG: ".$row["ndg"]."\n";
fwrite ($handle, $ndg);
echo("Gli NDG non importabili sono stati loggati nel file ndgNonImportabili.txt<br>");
//die("L'importazione avra' inizio solo quando tutti gli NDG saranno importabili. I motivi per cui un ndg non è importabile possono essere: incorenza fra Natura Giuridica 1 e natura giuridica 2, Incoerenza fra comune, Provincia e Regione<br>");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vista_ndg_normalizzati");
//fb($result, 'risultati');
$handle = fopen("logImportazione.txt", "w");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$user = "admin";
$ndg = $row['ndg'];
$response = AlfrescoConnect::createNDG($ndg, $user);
$status = $response['esito'];
if($status == "OK"){
$ragioneSociale = mysql_real_escape_string($row['ragioneSociale']);
$resultSetKeys = mysql_query($query);
$query = "INSERT INTO ast_Cliente (idUtente, idNaturaGiuridica, idTipoSegmento, idRegione, idProvincia, idComune, ragioneSociale, ndg, idNaturaGiuridica2) VALUES ";
$query .= " (1, ".$row['idNaturaGiuridica'].", 2 , ".$row['idRegione'].", ".$row['idProvincia'].", ".$row['idComune'].", '".$ragioneSociale."', '".$ndg."', ".$row['idNaturaGiuridica2'].")";
$resultInsert = mysql_query($query);
if (!$resultInsert) {
$messaggio = "Si è verificato un errore nell'importazione dell'ndg [$ndg]: [".mysql_error()."]\n";
$messaggio = "[$ndg] importato con successo\n";
fwrite ($handle, $messaggio);
$messaggio = "Si è verificato un errore nella creazione della cartella per l'ndg [$ndg] su alfresco. ERRORE: [".$response['motivazione']."]\n";
fwrite ($handle, $messaggio);
echo("importazione completata: i risultati dell'importazione sono stati salvati nel file logImportazione.txt");
Папка создается путем вызова $response = AlfrescoConnect::createNDG($ndg, $user);
, где $ndg
- это имя папки, а $user
- пользователь, создавший ее
Вот код AlfrescoConnect.php:
class AlfrescoConnect
static public $webscriptURL = "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service";
static public $login = "/api/login";
static public $login_ticket = "/api/login/ticket";
static public $alfrescoPath = "http://localhost:8080";
static public $alfrescoContext = "/alfresco";
static public $upload_file_script = "/astra/upload";
static public $uploadFile = "/astra/uploaddoc";
static public $search_document = "/astra/cercadocumenti";
static public $createNDG = "/astra/creandg";
static public $createPEFPerNDG = "/astra/creapef";
static public $searchDocumentPerConfirm = "/astra/cercadocumentoperconferma";
static public $confirmDocument = "/astra/confermadocumenti";
static public $getPEF = "/astra/estraidatipef";
static public $updatePEF = "/astra/aggiornapef";
static public $documentCounter = "/astra/contadocumenti";
static public $userLogin = "/astra/creautente";
static public $cancella = "/astra/managedocumentversions";
static public $alfUsername = "admin";
static public $alfPassword = "admin";
static public $ticket = "";
static public $userTicket = "";
static public function Authenticate($username='') {
if (AlfrescoConnect::isAuthenticated()) return true;
$link = AlfrescoConnect::$webscriptURL.AlfrescoConnect::$login."?u=".AlfrescoConnect::$alfUsername."&pw=".AlfrescoConnect::$alfPassword . "&noCache=" .time();
fb($link, "LINK");
AlfrescoConnect::$userTicket = AlfrescoConnect::CustomAuthentication($username);
return true;
try {
//perform a http/get request to get tiket
// Try to create a ticket
// If the ticket fails, it means that the username and/or password are wrong
$r= new HttpRequest($link, HttpRequest::METH_GET);
$r->send() ;
$http_response = $r->getResponseBody();fb($http_response, "RISPOSTA");
$pos1 = stripos($http_response, "<ticket>");
$pos2 = stripos($http_response, "</ticket>");
//ceck if token is returned
if ($pos1<0 | !is_int($pos1) || $pos2<0 | !is_int($pos2)) {
AlfrescoConnect::$ticket = "";
$returnValue = false;
} else {
$pos1 += 8;
$pos2 -= $pos1;
// clean the xml info
AlfrescoConnect::$ticket = substr($http_response, $pos1, $pos2);
$returnValue = true;
$_SESSION["ticket"] = AlfrescoConnect::$ticket;
return true;
catch (Exception $e) {
fb($e, "Eccezione");
AlfrescoConnect::$ticket = "";
$_SESSION["ticket"] = AlfrescoConnect::$ticket;
return $returnValue;
static public function isAuthenticated() {
if (!isset($_SESSION["ticket"])) return false;
$link = AlfrescoConnect::$webscriptURL.AlfrescoConnect::$login_ticket."/".$_SESSION["ticket"]."?alf_ticket=".$_SESSION["ticket"]."&noCache=" .time();
fb($link, 'link in isauth');
try {
//perform a http/get request to get tiket
// Try to create a ticket
// If the ticket fails, it means that the username and/or password are wrong
$r= new HttpRequest($link, HttpRequest::METH_GET);
$r->send() ;
$http_response = $r->getResponseBody();
$pos1 = stripos($http_response, "<ticket>");
$pos2 = stripos($http_response, "</ticket>");
//ceck if token is returned
if ($pos1<0 | !is_int($pos1) || $pos2<0 | !is_int($pos2)) {
return false;
} else {
$pos1 += 8;
$pos2 -= $pos1;
// clean the xml info
if ($_SESSION["ticket"] == substr($http_response, $pos1, $pos2)) {
AlfrescoConnect::$ticket = $_SESSION["ticket"];
return true;
catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
static public function CustomAuthentication($username=''){
$url = AlfrescoConnect::$webscriptURL.AlfrescoConnect::$userLogin;
if ($auth) {
if (!AlfrescoConnect::Authenticate()) return -1;
$url .= "?alf_ticket=".AlfrescoConnect::$ticket;
$parameter = array('username' => $username);
$response = AlfrescoConnect::Query($url, $parameter,HttpRequest::METH_POST,1,0);fb($url);fb($parameter);
fb($response,'custom authentication result');
return $response;
* perform query on alfresco webscripts
* @param string $url alfresco webscript url
* @param string $params parameter for the query
* @param string $meth metohod for http request HTTP_METH_POST/HTTP_METH_GET default HTTP_METH_POST
* @param boolean $auth set whether or not to need authentication
* @return mixed -1 for authentication faliure, -2 for query faliure
static public function Query($url, $params, $meth = HTTP_METH_POST, $auth = 1, $decode = 1, $ticketUser='') {
//Aggiunto per evitare il caching
//fb($url, "Query url");
//fb($params, "Query params");
if ($auth) {
if (!AlfrescoConnect::Authenticate()) return -1;
$params['alf_ticket'] = AlfrescoConnect::$ticket;
$params['alf_ticket'] = $ticketUser;
try {
//fb("invio della richiesta");
$r= new HttpRequest($url, $meth);
$r->send() ;
$http_response = $r->getResponseBody();
if (!$decode) return $http_response;
$json = new Services_JSON();
return object2array($json->decode($http_response));
//return json_decode($http_response, true);
catch (Exception $e) {
return -2;
* Azioni su Alfresco
static public function createNDG($ndg, $user){
$url = AlfrescoConnect::$webscriptURL.AlfrescoConnect::$createNDG;
fb("Crea l'ndg,$url");
if (strcmp($user,'')!=0) {
$ticket = AlfrescoConnect::Authenticate($user);
if (!$ticket) return -1;
$parameter = array(ModelParameter::$ndg => $ndg);
$response = AlfrescoConnect::Query($url, $parameter,HTTP_METH_POST,1,1,AlfrescoConnect::$userTicket);
return $response;