I have to save live video streams data which come as an RTP packets from RTSP Server.
The data come in two formats : MPEG4 and h264.
I do not want to encode/decode input stream.
Just write to a file which is playable with proper codecs.
Любой совет?
С наилучшими пожеланиями
Мои решения и их проблемы:
Попытка Firt: FFmpeg
I use FFmpeg libary to get audio and video rtp packets.
But in order to write packets i have to use av_write_frame :
which seems that decode /encode takes place.
Also, when i give output format as mp4 ( av_guess_format("mp4", NULL, NULL)
the output file is unplayable.
[ any way ffmpeg has bad doc. hard to find what is wrong]
Вторая попытка : DirectShow
Then i decide to use DirectShow. I found a RTSP Source Filter.
Then a Mux and File Writer.
Cretae Single graph:
RTSP Source --> MPEG MUX ---> File Writer
It worked but the problem is that the output file is not playable
if graph is not stoped. If something happens, graph crashed for example
the output file is not playable
Also i can able to write H264 data, but the video is completely unplayable.