Я получаю ошибку SCRIPT70 на IE9 после выполнения FB.login(function(response){})
, и я не использую фреймы для этого скрипта.Я получаю сообщение об ошибке:
всплывающее окно дает мне
Код ошибки API: 191 Ошибка API Описание: указанный URL-адрес не принадлежит приложению.не допускается конфигурацией приложения.
all.js, строка 22, символ 4250, ошибка происходит в функции setLoadedNode, которая содержит:
FB.provide('', {
ui: function (f, b) {
if (!f.method) {
FB.log('"method" is a required parameter for FB.ui().');
return null;
if ((f.method == 'permissions.request' || f.method == 'permissions.oauth') && (f.display == 'iframe' || f.display == 'dialog')) {
var h;
var i;
if (FB._oauth) {
h = f.scope;
i = h.split(/\s|,/g);
} else {
h = f.perms;
i = h.split(',');
for (var e = 0; e < i.length; e++) {
var g = FB.String.trim(i[e]);
if (g && !FB.initSitevars.iframePermissions[g]) {
f.display = 'popup';
var a = FB.UIServer.prepareCall(f, b);
if (!a) return null;
var d = a.params.display;
if (d === 'dialog') {
d = 'iframe';
} else if (d === 'none') d = 'hidden';
var c = FB.UIServer[d];
if (!c) {
FB.log('"display" must be one of "popup", ' + '"dialog", "iframe", "touch", "async", "hidden", or "none"');
return null;
return a.dialog;
FB.provide('UIServer', {
Methods: {},
_loadedNodes: {},
_defaultCb: {},
_resultToken: '"xxRESULTTOKENxx"',
_forceHTTPS: false,
genericTransform: function (a) {
if (a.params.display == 'dialog' || a.params.display == 'iframe') {
a.params.display = 'iframe';
a.params.channel = FB.UIServer._xdChannelHandler(a.id, 'parent.parent');
return a;
prepareCall: function (h, b) {
var g = h.method.toLowerCase(),
f = FB.copy({}, FB.UIServer.Methods[g]),
e = FB.guid(),
c = (f.noHttps !== true) && (FB._https || (g !== 'auth.status' && g != 'login.status'));
FB.UIServer._forceHTTPS = c;
FB.copy(h, {
api_key: FB._apiKey,
app_id: FB._apiKey,
locale: FB._locale,
sdk: 'joey',
access_token: c && FB.getAccessToken() || undefined
h.display = FB.UIServer.getDisplayMode(f, h);
if (!f.url) f.url = 'dialog/' + g;
var a = {
cb: b,
id: e,
size: f.size || FB.UIServer.getDefaultSize(),
url: FB.getDomain(c ? 'https_www' : 'www') + f.url,
forceHTTPS: c,
params: h,
name: g,
dialog: new FB.Dialog(e)
var j = f.transform ? f.transform : FB.UIServer.genericTransform;
if (j) {
a = j(a);
if (!a) return;
var d = f.getXdRelation || FB.UIServer.getXdRelation;
var i = d(a.params);
if (!(a.id in FB.UIServer._defaultCb) && !('next' in a.params)) a.params.next = FB.UIServer._xdResult(a.cb, a.id, i, true);
if (i === 'parent') a.params.channel_url = FB.UIServer._xdChannelHandler(e, 'parent.parent');
a = FB.UIServer.prepareParams(a);
return a;
prepareParams: function (a) {
var c = a.params.method;
if (!FB.Canvas.isTabIframe()) delete a.params.method;
if (FB.TemplateUI && FB.TemplateUI.supportsTemplate(c, a)) {
if (FB.reportTemplates) console.log("Using template for " + c + ".");
FB.TemplateUI.useCachedUI(c, a);
} else {
a.params = FB.JSON.flatten(a.params);
var b = FB.QS.encode(a.params);
if (FB.UIServer.urlTooLongForIE(a.url + b)) {
a.post = true;
} else if (b) a.url += '?' + b;
return a;
urlTooLongForIE: function (a) {
return a.length > 2000;
getDisplayMode: function (a, b) {
if (b.display === 'hidden' || b.display === 'none') return b.display;
if (FB.Canvas.isTabIframe() && b.display !== 'popup') return 'async';
if (FB.UA.mobile() || b.display === 'touch') return 'touch';
if (!FB.getAccessToken() && b.display == 'dialog' && !a.loggedOutIframe) {
FB.log('"dialog" mode can only be used when the user is connected.');
return 'popup';
if (a.connectDisplay && !FB._inCanvas) return a.connectDisplay;
return b.display || (FB.getAccessToken() ? 'dialog' : 'popup');
getXdRelation: function (b) {
var a = b.display;
if (a === 'popup' || a === 'touch') return 'opener';
if (a === 'dialog' || a === 'iframe' || a === 'hidden' || a === 'none') return 'parent';
if (a === 'async') return 'parent.frames[' + window.name + ']';
popup: function (b) {
var a = typeof window.screenX != 'undefined' ? window.screenX : window.screenLeft,
i = typeof window.screenY != 'undefined' ? window.screenY : window.screenTop,
g = typeof window.outerWidth != 'undefined' ? window.outerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth,
f = typeof window.outerHeight != 'undefined' ? window.outerHeight : (document.documentElement.clientHeight - 22),
k = FB.UA.mobile() ? null : b.size.width,
d = FB.UA.mobile() ? null : b.size.height,
h = (a < 0) ? window.screen.width + a : a,
e = parseInt(h + ((g - k) / 2), 10),
j = parseInt(i + ((f - d) / 2.5), 10),
c = [];
if (k !== null) c.push('width=' + k);
if (d !== null) c.push('height=' + d);
c.push('left=' + e);
c.push('top=' + j);
if (b.name == 'permissions.request' || b.name == 'permissions.oauth') c.push('location=1,toolbar=0');
c = c.join(',');
if (b.post) {
FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(b, window.open('about:blank', b.id, c));
url: b.url,
target: b.id,
params: b.params
} else FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(b, window.open(b.url, b.id, c));
if (b.id in FB.UIServer._defaultCb) FB.UIServer._popupMonitor();
setLoadedNode: function (a, b) {
FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[a.id] = b;
if (a.params) b.fbCallID = a.id;
getLoadedNode: function (a) {
return FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[a.id];
hidden: function (a) {
a.className = 'FB_UI_Hidden';
a.root = FB.Content.appendHidden('');
iframe: function (a) {
a.className = 'FB_UI_Dialog';
var b = function () {
a.root = FB.Dialog.create({
onClose: b,
closeIcon: true,
classes: (FB.UA.iPad() ? 'centered' : '')
if (!a.hideLoader) FB.Dialog.showLoader(b, a.size.width);
FB.Dom.addCss(a.root, 'fb_dialog_iframe');
async: function (a) {
a.frame = window.name;
delete a.url;
delete a.size;
FB.Arbiter.inform('showDialog', a);
getDefaultSize: function () {
if (FB.UA.mobile()) if (FB.UA.iPad()) {
return {
width: 500,
height: 590
} else {
var a = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight > 1.2;
return {
width: window.innerWidth,
height: Math.max(window.innerHeight, (a ? screen.width : screen.height))
return {
width: 575,
height: 240
_insertIframe: function (b) {
FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b.id] = false;
var a = function (c) {
if (b.id in FB.UIServer._loadedNodes) FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode(b, c);
if (b.post) {
url: 'about:blank',
root: b.root,
className: b.className,
width: b.size.width,
height: b.size.height,
id: b.id,
onInsert: a,
onload: function (c) {
url: b.url,
target: c.name,
params: b.params
} else FB.Content.insertIframe({
url: b.url,
root: b.root,
className: b.className,
width: b.size.width,
height: b.size.height,
id: b.id,
name: b.frameName,
onInsert: a
_handleResizeMessage: function (b, a) {
var c = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b];
if (a.height) c.style.height = a.height + 'px';
if (a.width) c.style.width = a.width + 'px';
FB.Arbiter.inform('resize.ack', a || {}, 'parent.frames[' + c.name + ']', true);
if (!FB.Dialog.isActive(c)) FB.Dialog.show(c);
_triggerDefault: function (a) {
frame: a
}, FB.UIServer._defaultCb[a] ||
function () {});
_popupMonitor: function () {
var a;
for (var b in FB.UIServer._loadedNodes) if (FB.UIServer._loadedNodes.hasOwnProperty(b) && b in FB.UIServer._defaultCb) {
var c = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b];
try {
if (c.tagName) continue;
} catch (d) {}
try {
if (c.closed) {
} else a = true;
} catch (e) {}
if (a && !FB.UIServer._popupInterval) {
FB.UIServer._popupInterval = window.setInterval(FB.UIServer._popupMonitor, 100);
} else if (!a && FB.UIServer._popupInterval) {
FB.UIServer._popupInterval = null;
_xdChannelHandler: function (b, c) {
var a = (FB.UIServer._forceHTTPS && FB.UA.ie() !== 7);
return FB.XD.handler(function (d) {
var e = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b];
if (!e) return;
if (d.type == 'resize') {
FB.UIServer._handleResizeMessage(b, d);
} else if (d.type == 'hide') {
} else if (d.type == 'rendered') {
var f = FB.Dialog._findRoot(e);
} else if (d.type == 'fireevent') FB.Event.fire(d.event);
}, c, true, null, a);
_xdNextHandler: function (a, b, d, c) {
if (c) FB.UIServer._defaultCb[b] = a;
return FB.XD.handler(function (e) {
FB.UIServer._xdRecv(e, a);
}, d) + '&frame=' + b;
_xdRecv: function (b, a) {
var c = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b.frame];
try {
if (FB.Dom.containsCss(c, 'FB_UI_Hidden')) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
} else if (FB.Dom.containsCss(c, 'FB_UI_Dialog')) {
if (FB.TemplateUI && FB.UA.mobile()) FB.TemplateUI.populateCache();
} catch (d) {}
try {
if (c.close) {
} catch (e) {}
delete FB.UIServer._loadedNodes[b.frame];
delete FB.UIServer._defaultCb[b.frame];
_xdResult: function (a, b, d, c) {
return (FB.UIServer._xdNextHandler(function (e) {
a && a(e.result && e.result != FB.UIServer._resultToken && FB.JSON.parse(e.result));
}, b, d, c) + '&result=' + encodeURIComponent(FB.UIServer._resultToken));
Я добавил вселиния 22 украшена Кто-нибудь имел эту проблему?