SR.это мое решение для Java-кода, поверх моего приложения;
try {
// Getting The Array "Courses" from json1 & json2
Courses1 =json1.getJSONArray(TAG_COURSES1);
Courses2 = json2.getJSONArray(TAG_COURSES);
for(int i = 0; i < Courses1.length(); i++){
for(int ii = 0; ii < Courses2.length(); ii++){
JSONObject courses1 = Courses1.getJSONObject(i);
JSONObject courses2 = Courses2.getJSONObject(ii);
// Storing each json1 item in variable
int courseID1 = courses1.getInt(TAG_COURSEID1);
Log.e("COURSEID2:", Integer.toString(courseID1));
String Rating1 = courses1.getString(TAG_RATING1);
int Status1 = courses1.getInt(TAG_STATUS1);
Log.e("Status1:", Integer.toString(Status1)); //Put the actual value for Status1 in log.
// Storing each json2 item in variable
int courseID2 = courses2.getInt(TAG_COURSEID);
Log.e("COURSEID2:", Integer.toString(courseID)); //Put the actual value for CourseID in log
String Title2 = courses2.getString(TAG_TITLE);
String instructor2 = courses2.getString(TAG_INSTRUCTOR);
String length2 = courses2.getString(TAG_LENGTH);
String rating2 = courses2.getString(TAG_RATING);
String subject2 = courses2.getString(TAG_SUBJECT);
String description2 = courses2.getString(TAG_DESCRIPTION);
//Status1 = 5 from json1; Incomplete, Status1 =-1 Complete
if(Status1 == 5 && courseID2 == courseID1){
// creating new HashMap
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
//Storing the elements if condition is true.
map.put(TAG_COURSEID, Integer.toString(courseID2)); //pend for compare
map.put(TAG_TITLE, Title2);
map.put(TAG_INSTRUCTOR, instructor2);
map.put(TAG_LENGTH, length2);
map.put(TAG_RATING, rating2);
map.put(TAG_SUBJECT, subject2); //show it
map.put(TAG_DESCRIPTION, description2);
//adding HashList to ArrayList
}//for2 (json2)
} //for1 (json1)
Надеюсь, что это поможет другим, конечно, просто укажите ваши значения и условия, и тип представления, в данном случае;Hashmap поверх списка.