может мне помочь.
Я выполняю запрос с использованием доктрины.
Я сделал индексирование и ссылку на foriegnkey для необходимых таблиц
вот мой запрос
echo "step1";echo date('h:i:s A');echo "<br/>";
$query = new Doctrine_Query();
$whereCond ='';
$search = '';
$where .= " AND c.".$quickSearchType." LIKE '%".$queryv."%' ";
if($letterPressed == 'All')
$where .="";
else if($letterPressed == 'Radian6')
$where .=" AND c.news_type = 1";
else if($letterPressed == 'Google News')
$where .=" AND c.news_type = 3";
else if($letterPressed == 'Google Blogs')
$where .=" AND c.news_type = 4";
else if($letterPressed == 'RSS Feeds')
$where .=" AND (c.news_type = 5 or c.news_type = 6)";
else if($letterPressed == 'Hide Twitter')
$where .=" AND c.url NOT LIKE '%twitter.com%'";
else if($letterPressed == 'Hide Facebook')
$where .=" AND c.url NOT LIKE '%facebook.com%'";
else if($letterPressed == 'Hide Facebook-twitter')
$where .=" AND (c.url NOT LIKE '%twitter.com%' AND c.url NOT LIKE '%facebook.com%')";
else if($letterPressed == 'Show Twitter')
$where .=" AND c.url LIKE '%twitter.com%'";
else if($letterPressed == 'Show Facebook')
$where .=" AND c.url LIKE '%facebook.com%'";
else if($letterPressed == 'show Facebook-twitter')
$where .=" AND (c.url LIKE '%twitter.com%' OR c.url LIKE '%facebook.com%')";
if($queryv!='' && $quickSearchType == 'title' && (trim($letterPressed) != 'Law' && trim($letterPressed) != 'LS Translate') ){
$search = ' LOWER(c.title) LIKE "%'.mysql_real_escape_string($queryv).'%" ';
//$search = ' LOWER(c.title) LIKE ?';
if($queryv!='' && $quickSearchType == 'domain')
$search = ' LOWER(c.domain) LIKE "%'.mysql_real_escape_string($queryv).'%" ';
//$search = ' LOWER(c.domain) LIKE ?';
echo "step2";echo date('h:i:s A');echo "<br/>";
$select='c.id, c.campaign_id, c.title as title, c.domain, c.news_type,c.url, c.active, c.article_date, c.created_date, c.modified_date, t.language_id, t.tr_translated_date, t.tr_translated_by, t.translation_state, t.tr_title, t.raw_title';
if(trim($letterPressed) == 'Original')
$select='c.id, c.campaign_id, c.title as title, c.domain, c.news_type,c.url, c.active, c.article_date, c.created_date, c.modified_date, t.language_id, t.tr_translated_date, t.tr_translated_by, t.translation_state';
if(trim($letterPressed) == 'Law')
$select='c.id, c.campaign_id, c.domain, c.news_type,c.url, c.active,c.article_date, c.created_date, c.modified_date, t.raw_title as title, t.language_id, t.tr_translated_date, t.tr_translated_by, t.translation_state';
if($queryv!='' && $quickSearchType == 'title'){
$search = ' LOWER(t.raw_title) LIKE "%'.mysql_real_escape_string($queryv).'%"';
//$search = ' LOWER(t.raw_title) LIKE ?';
if(trim($letterPressed) == 'LS Translate')
$select='c.id, c.campaign_id, c.domain, c.news_type,c.url, c.active, c.article_date, c.created_date, c.modified_date, t.tr_title as title, t.language_id, t.tr_translated_date, t.tr_translated_by, t.translation_state';
$where .=" AND t.translation_state = 1";
if($queryv!='' && $quickSearchType == 'title'){
$search = ' LOWER(t.tr_title) LIKE "%'.mysql_real_escape_string($queryv).'%" ';
//$search = ' LOWER(t.tr_title) LIKE ?';
// , array("%".mysql_real_escape_string($queryv)."%")
echo "step3";echo date('h:i:s A');echo "<br/>";
->from('News c')
->andWhere('c.created_date >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 90 DAY)' );
$query->leftJoin('c.TranslatedNews t on t.news_id = c.id')
->leftJoin('c.Campaigns eng on eng.id = c.campaign_id')
->orderBy('c.'.$sortName. ' ' . $sortOrder)
echo "step4";echo date('h:i:s A');echo "<br/>";
//echo $query->getSqlQuery();exit;
$result = $query->execute(array(),Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
echo "step5";echo date('h:i:s A');echo "<br/>";exit;
return $result;
для выполнения запроса требуется 8 секунд.Как сделать так, чтобы этот запрос выполнялся быстро
Заранее спасибо