Возможное решение с использованием perl
Содержимое script.pl :
use warnings;
use strict;
## Accept one argument, the input file.
@ARGV == 1 or die qq[Usage: perl $0 input-file\n];
my ($lines, %hash);
## Process file.
while ( <> ) {
## Remove leading and trailing spaces for each line.
## Get both indexes.
my ($idx1, $idx2) = (split)[0,5];
## Save line and index1.
push @{$lines}, [$_, $idx1];
## Save index2.
$hash{ $idx2 } = 1;
## Process file for second time.
for ( @{$lines} ) {
## Get fields of the line.
my @f = split /\s+/, $_->[0];
## If fourth and fifth fields are empty (-) and first index exists as second
## index, go to next line without printing.
if ( $f[3] eq qq[-] && $f[4] eq qq[-] && ! exists $hash{ $_->[1] } ) {
## Print line.
printf qq[%s\n], $_->[0];
Запустить скрипт ( infile содержит данные для обработки):
perl script.pl infile
И результаты:
2 lnm dse - - 3 pqr
3 ebe aaa xhd asw 4 pow
4 abc fww wrw ffp 3 ffw