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<p><span class="xn-location">OAK RIDGE, N.J.</span>, <span class="xn-chron">March 16, 2011</span> /PRNewswire/ -- Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: <a href='http://studio-5.financialcontent.com/prnews?Page=Quote&Ticker=LBAI' target='_blank' title='LBAI'> LBAI</a>), the holding company for Lakeland Bank, today announced that it redeemed <span class="xn-money">$20 million</span> of the Company's outstanding <span class="xn-money">$39 million</span> in Fixed Rate Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series A that was issued to the U.S. Department of the Treasury under the Capital Purchase Program on <span class="xn-chron">February 6, 2009</span>, thereby reducing Treasury's investment in the Preferred Stock to <span class="xn-money">$19 million</span>. The Company paid approximately <span class="xn-money">$20.1 million</span> to the Treasury to repurchase the Preferred Stock, which included payment for accrued and unpaid dividends for the shares.  This second repayment, or redemption, of Preferred Stock will result in annualized savings of <span class="xn-money">$1.2 million</span> due to the elimination of the associated preferred dividends and related discount accretion.  A one-time, non-cash charge of <span class="xn-money">$745 thousand</span> will be incurred in the first quarter of 2011 due to the acceleration of the Preferred Stock discount accretion.  The warrant previously issued to the Treasury to purchase 997,049 shares of common stock at an exercise price of <span class="xn-money">$8.88</span>, adjusted for stock dividends and subject to further anti-dilution adjustments, will remain outstanding.</p>
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