Если вы хотите немного больше гибкости без необходимости писать столько кода, вы также можете проверить HTML :: Table :: FromDatabase. Это делает HTML для вас и дает вам свободу легко форматировать вещи. Требуется немного практики, но это стало бесценным занятием в моем арсенале.
Вот пример кода, который даст вам представление о том, что вы можете с ним сделать
use DBI;
use HTML::Table::FromDatabase;
use HTML::Table;
use CGI;
# Start the CGI wrapper
$query = new CGI();
# Just build the STH like normal, with either the SQL in-line or an $sql variable
my $sth = $mysql_dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT field1, field2 FROM table ORDER BY field1");
# Tell the module to build the table using the STH you executed before
my $table = HTML::Table::FromDatabase->new(-sth=>$sth,
-border=>1, # We want a border on the entire table
# On the switch column, we want to add an HREF with the data in the URL
sub { $_ = shift; qq[<A HREF="$_">$_</A>]; },
# This example lets you return a value based on what value is in the field
sub { $text = shift; DidItMatch($text); },
# The two rows below are used to set CSS classes on even and odd rows if you want different formatting
# Take the entire table and align all of the 2nd column to center
# The following lines are just demonstrations of what else can be changed. There are a lot, so look at HTML::Table to get all of them
#$table->setColBGColor(2,'red'); # Sets the background color of all cells in a column
#$table->SetColVAlign(2,'middle'); # Sets the vertical alignment of all cells in a column
#$table->setColWidth(2,100); # Sets the width of a column. Could also use setColWidth(2,'50%');
#$table->setColNoWrap(2,1); # Sets the no-wrap property of a colum. 0=Wrap 1=NoWrap
# The following lines allow you to retrieve information about the table that was created.
my $row_count = $table->getTableRows; # Retrieves the number of rows in the table
my $column_count = $table->getTableCols; # Retrieves the number of columns in the table
# Finally, print the finalized table HTML
# Wrap up the STH and DBH if needed
sub DidItMatch
my $text = shift;
if ($text eq 'Good text')
return "Matched";
} else
return "$text";